What was the last film you watched?

That’s what that biased bitch Liverpool supporting c’nt on Sky Sports said as well (the fat blonde one, Kenny Dalglish’s daughter)

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It isn’t ten pages but there you go.

I consider this matter closed.


Lol I knew you’d pipe up.

It’s not a Christmas film. Now the matter is closed.

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Hardly surprising as it was you who initially moved me to make that post :grin:

That’s my thoughts on fairytale in New York by the Pogues it’s not a fucking Christmas song like fucking Mariah Carey dirge.

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Christmas songs if you like them, only sound good at Christmas.
Pogues song sounds good all year around. I’d never turn it off when it comes on the album.


Shocking to hear how that lady who sang fairytale of New York with them died.

Wasn’t it a bit like that black guy in Die Hard 2?

I remember she was hit by a boat, but I don’t recall any boats in Die Hard 2.


There will be blood (2007)
Tried to watch it 2 or 3 times earlier in the last couple of months, got interrupted from various reasons… yesterday gave it another chance, managed to watch like 3/4 of the move and gave up… it’s quality but just too… onesided, one coloured… One tone throughout the whole movie, one direction, literally nothing to break up the story a bit… to give it another dimension… After about the half the film it literally felt like hard work watching it.
It’s good, but just not enough substance, variety to watch the whole 17 hours of it.

It’s a shit film. Vastly overrated

The only reason to watch it is Daniel Day Lewis’ performance.

Was Lincoln any good? I’ve seen clips and it looks quite good.

76% yes so far. Just saying.

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I thought it was brilliant. Not sure how accurate it was though.

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Bloody Irish. :gabriel:

it’s alright.

Daniel Day Lewis impressive as per, but the rest of the film was a load of nothing.

But then i’m biased against these period dramas, I think they’re all pretty shite.


Except “The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford”, right?

Best Christmas film is quite clearly Gremlins :smiley:


Yes :slight_smile:

Rarely a waste of time to watch a Spielberg film.

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