What was the last film you watched?


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The voiceover in that Jesse James film is better than Morgan Freeman in Shawshank. There.

Is Munich your favourite of his?

Best Christmas film- Jingle all the way.

Arnie is hilarious, even when he tries not to be

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I struggle to rate it atm really. The acting, the camera, the pictureā€¦ were brilliant. On the other hand, the story itself, the script, just didnā€™t develop much, if at all. They had more and more oil and thatā€™s about it. I donā€™t even feel the slightest urge to find out what happened at the end and that says a lot I think.

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I think so.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s better than his other films, but itā€™s the one I return to.

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Watching Dead Manā€™s Shoes with a mate. Never get tired of introducing people to this film.


Just watched a film called Michael Inside on Netflix.

Really good. Irish films are engrossing

Did you not see @Cristo ā€˜s film review? And you come in here and simply say a film was ā€œreally goodā€?! Pah, not good enough. You need to write at least another 500 words.


Sorry Phoebs :pensive:

I thought it was boring and Michael was a fucking idiot.

The prison scenes, though :fearful:

The violence, the bullying. Felt sorry for Michael.

I think Iā€™m probably just a heartless bastard.

Sing Street and Handsome Devil are two other Irish films worth a watch. And I donā€™t know if itā€™s Irish or not but Killing Bono is good too.

I presume you like The Committments already?

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Thanks mate. Iā€™ll give them a watch. Hopefully theyā€™re on ShitFlix.

Is that the ā€œand, and fuckinā€™ andā€ film?

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I had to look that up as it didnā€™t trigger a memory but yes.

Probably wouldnā€™t get away with making this film nowadays. :flushed:

The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once and say it loud, Iā€™m black and Iā€™m proud.

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Charlieā€™s Angels 2019 6/10

I donā€™t know why itā€™s getting a bashing itā€™s entertaining the cast is great an that does include Kristen Stewart. Typical action film that u just switch off an enjoy.

The Irishman. 100/10. 1000/10. Get the Arabic world to invent a new scale that can cope :see_no_evil:

This film is amazing. Okay Netflix is Ā£32bn in debt and staring down the barrel, but who cares whilst itā€™s financing productions this good :+1: Better than Goodfellas (itā€™s not). All hail Netflix


Wow. Canā€™t wait for it now!

Should I watch it all in one go?

I was going to watch it in segments. (One hour today, etc etc)