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@Bl1nk this one needs admin powers :slight_smile:

Sent you a PM

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Anyone elseā€™s splash screen (and home icon) really fucking tiny now?

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Got a new phone and was fiddling about the website settingsā€¦ How did I not know that this blue/gold colour scheme existed?

I like it :ok_hand:t5:


Been around for about a year or so now.

Thereā€™s no way back once youā€™ve activated it. So much better than the gray dark mode or the white mode.

You can read more about it here:


@Bl1nk kindly made me a yellow and blue version of my avatar to match the away days theme. I can only imagine how out of place my avatar looks if the rest of the site is red and white :grin:

Donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever go back to one of the different colour schemes now, the yellow and blue is just tooooooo good.


Yeah itā€™s absolutely incredible, Iā€™m never going back.

My one reverted to the normal dark theme, and I completely didnā€™t notice (for god knows how long), till @MissRedNL 's post.

Back to the away days theme :raised_hands:

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When I hit reply, the reply box covers the screen instead of the smaller box at the bottomā€¦ anyone else experiencing this?

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I get that occasionally, had it in the past couple days a couple times, but most of the time it doesnā€™t happen.

Did you press this icon?

It goes to full screen mode

No thatā€™s the preview this is happening as you post, usually the reply button can be pressed without dismissing the keyboard but all of a sudden not working like that.


That preview button is fucking great, I use it pretty often making sure things have embedded properly etc.

Iā€™m definitely not mistakenly hitting that button @Bilalkhan_01

Edit: lol, that should be @Bl1nk


Clearly didnā€™t preview that one :wink:


Haha, ya bawbag

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Nah just the reply button. Soon as the keyboard comes up the reply box goes huge.

Do you get it every time or just occasionally?

Every time since Friday

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Just started for me there in the last 2 hours or so :man_shrugging: