Site Feedback

I’ve had this issue for a good few days now. I also changed phones and its happening on the new device too.

When you click reply, the reply box takes up the whole bloody screen rather than the minimised version that still allowed you to scroll / see posts above.


Same issue as a few of us above. We’re hoping the next update will fix it but we promise nothing.

We realise valuable seconds are being wasted here with this annoyance.

Does my head in lol


It’s the reply button I miss the most.
The need to collapse the keyboard to submit the post. Sigh.

The massive reply box is the worst bug ever encountered on here :triumph:

You sure you need to collapse the keyboard? I have the same large text box as others, but all I have to do is scroll/swipe down the screen for the reply button to be in view


Oh just tried scrolling, it’s there.

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Anyone else have a period in which the site refused to load up this morning?

I did, and now it has finally let me back in, at my end it appears that a whole load of posts from this morning have been deleted/lost.

Samefor others?!

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Yep happened to me too

Same here

Yep, happened to me

Had to log back in

Yeah I had this today.

Another uncompleted update so it refreshed to the most recent back up.

We’re quite a few versions behind now and they have just launched Discourse 3.0 so we need to get it up to date but it’s proving tricky.

Is that why it feels so laggy sometimes? I could be heading back to the main page and it can take a while to load sometimes

Yeah logged me out.



What convenient timing.

No, not really.


Whoever it is, it just means you’ve blocked them so it hides all of their replies and you have to manually open them up to see them


You wouldn’t have that problem back at AM mate.