You know what really grinds my gears?

I really don’t know how people can do the 2 simultaneously. Specifically referring to listening and reading!

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It really depends on what I’m reading but never specifically had a problem doing both together.

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I can just about tolerate it if it’s jazz or classical music, for example. But anything with lyrics and my brain won’t take in the words I’m reading as well as those I’m hearing.


Jakey, I didn’t find this one very entertaining, only a 2/10 for you


Thank you for your candour, Luke

you’re welcome Jakey, I can’t always love you

Getting a flight cancelled, the positive is I wasn’t on the way to the airport at least.

Stupid jakey cunts trespassing on the railway causing my train to be cancelled and the next one delayed.


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It’s sunny out tbf


Haha yeah its nice to stand in so can’t complain about that but still annoying! You could go walking anywhere why pick an active train line ya pricks :joy::joy:

not a very nice thing to say about @JakeyBoy


People who have no problem letting someone else do their job for them. I would be mortified if I found out someone else was completing a task I’m supposed to be doing. I try not to fume over it, but it makes my blood boil. I end up with so much more work on my plate because the client support and installation teams just don’t give a fuck and will do the least possible to maintain their jobs.

There’s a guy on our support team that has been there for 30 years… he takes a nap every day around 2:30. We have developers that come in at 8:45 and leave at 4:00 and take 1.5 hour lunch… Meanwhile I probably average 11 hours a day not including travel time spent away from my life. I just don’t get it.

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talk to your manager about it?

His manager might be one of them lol


Tell your manager is the most advised thing, yet least resolute in solving an issue. In my experience anyway

Oh I have. He is fully aware and just as frustrated as I am. We’ve had multiple meetings with the management of worst offenders. Nothing comes from it. But it always comes down to us doing it because we give a fuck about our clients. It’s either that or let them fail on their own and we’re all out of a job.

sounds like he needs to be more ruthless and just replace them

When every door leading to the garden has been open all day, but the cat decides it’s much more convenient to take a shit in her litter tray.

And then fucks off outside straight after


fair play to her, she wanted a clean garden to play in

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The way people use the term “live action” these days.

The new Lion King film keeps getting referred to as being “live action”, when it evidently fucking isn’t. If Chiwitel Ejiofor played Scar in a live action remake of The Lion King I’d expect to see him with a load of hair glued to his face and crawling around on all fours. But obviously that isn’t what I’d see if I went to the cinema, I’d see a fucking digitally animated lion and all I’d get is his voice.

Its a phrase with a very clear and distinct fucking meaning. Use a different ohrase for films like this, I dunno, photo realistic animation?