You know what really grinds my gears?

I just can’t see hair as that important. I often just let it grow for two months.


I can’t even begin to imagine how bad I’d look if I let my hair grow for 2 months but I guess it’s cause I’ve been used to getting a haircut every week for years now.

I went 3 weeks without a haircut once and nearly imploded lol


Get my haircut every two weeks like clockwork. Once you get in the habit it gets stressful when you can’t keep that up, I start getting very self conscious about my hair being a mess, even if nobody else is gonna notice it.

@SRCJJ feel your pain bruh


Mate, even a shaved head is stress. Literally gotta put a blade to it every weekend and if you miss one, as you say, you’re done for

Jesus wept. I’m in Shammy’s corner on this.


Haircut every 4 weeks for me. I used to always go to drop in barbers but changed to appointment only barbers well over two years ago and the difference is incredible. Your hair is so much better done and it just looks like a professional has done it instead of just walking in at a random time and some randomer cutting it for £5

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Exactly the same.

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It’s so important. A fresh trim honestly improves a man’s overall look hugely.


A hair is to man what makeup is to girls

Can’t take credit for the plagiarism but can’t remember who/where I heard that

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I don’t doubt that for one second. I guess I also just don’t really give a shit about it enough to spend 20 quid that often. :laughing:


You look like a tramp if you don’t take effort in your hair imo

My hair grows super quick so a skin fade is done within 2-3 days for me max. So I need to get a haircut tomorrow evening so it’s fresh for Friday / Saturday And Sunday when I’m on holiday.

I used to be once a month, now I’m once every 3 weeks.

I don’t remember my last haircut. I can make it look decent with some forming cream and a little work. After I cut my long hair off 15 years ago I was religious about getting it cut every 3 weeks. Now with kids, work, and just life, it takes a back seat.


Absolutely, nothing like a freshly trimmed ball sack, I trim the old boy and I’m confident I’m ploughing through them all like a freight train…

Oh shit, my bad :grimacing:


I go four, five, or six weeks between haircuts. The girl who does the wife’s hair does mine. She works part-time at a salon, but does home visits for a bit of pin money on the side. She’s very good and It costs me $15 (about 11 quid).

Wear a hat

Mission accomplished… I can holiday in peace now


By tomorrow you’ll be looking at this picture wishing your hair still looked like that :joy:

Fade is on point


Haha mate it’s gonna be done by Sunday but so long as I can squeeze 2/3 days out of it…

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