Ryan Reynolds.
I really can’t be assed to explain why.
Ryan Reynolds.
I really can’t be assed to explain why.
Because deep down you fancy him?
I really fucking despise cunts like this. I don’t really have a problem with people using steroids if they want to do that. But it’s a fucking joke when they give workout advice to people who are natural.
Obviously it’s impossible to police but these guys should be done for false advertising for the way they promote things while not admitting they are using juice.
People can actually gain more lean muscle being on juice and not working out than people who are natural and do work out. There have been studies conducted which show this quite clearly and yet some will still act like juice isn’t a factor because you “still have to work hard”.
And then there’s the element of influence on young people where they are conned into thinking these physiques are attainable naturally by doing some fucking generic body part split workout and eating well.
I’m cool with gender fluidity and all that, but the amount of times people assume my eldest son is a girl, just because he hasn’t had a haircut in his six and a half years.
That Liver King cunt probably the biggest twat of them all.
Having to work with most of the Gen Zs.
I’m mid 30s myself and try to get along with most; those younger than me as well as those older. But some of these younger coworkers in their mid 20s, man. They’re so self righteous, are fragile but extremely egoistic and they feel like the world owes them something. Takes a proper test of my self control when dealing with some of them at times