You know what really grinds my gears?

Rant 2 of 2…while driving home went by two cyclists. It’s night time. They were both wearing dark clothes and had no illumination or lights on their respective bikes! All for encouraging sustainable modes of transport, but if you are going to cycle at night, wear some high visibility clothing or put some lights and reflectors on your fricking bikes FFS!

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On the subject of cycling - the ones that wear a helmet, but don’t bother to fasten the strap.

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Makes me fucking sick.

Have spent the last few weeks when doing the food shop muttering obscenities everytime I see anything Christmas.
Just fuck off and leave it be.

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Shout out to the neighbors who leave Christmas lighting rigs on the walls of their house the whole year round.

If Santa appears before Guy Fawkes, something is wrong.

Anybody decorating for Christmas now should be arrested.

Yes, I know Guy Fawkes doesn’t appear for Bonfire night, but you get the point.

Ally McCoist.

What an absolute top level cunt. That we have to listen to this sack of shit spout nonsense every CL game detracts from enjoying any game win, lose or draw.

What a worthless dickhead.


I don’t understand why you only realised this 7 hours ago? You’re older than me and I realised this way back when

iPhone cunt. When someone you are speaking to hangs up before you and you aren’t quick enough to do the same and then go to click the hang up button and accidentally phone someone else.

It’s a work phone and I probably make the most phone calls on it, very bloody annoying.


The amount of times I’ve almost called someone doing this by accident you’re not alone brother

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Estate Agents.

Essentially cutting them into your costs to sell your house and gate keeping sites like Rightmove and Zoopla.


What’s the standard realtor commission in the UK? They get away with murder here in Canada, 7% on the first 100K, 3.5% thereafter.

They usually charge around 2% for the sale, which is a lot of money when the average house price as about 350k and all they do is put a picture in their window or online and show people around so it’s a lot cheaper to do it yourself.

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1%-2% my way.

Canada sounds insane!

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Kids commenting “nice try diddy” literally everywhere. Makes my blood boil every time I see it lol


“Oh my days”

Profile: digital creator.


Absolutely. WTF is that, anyway? I’m creating digitally writing this post.

I automatically just think cunt/nonce


When Twitter nerds use the term “scanning”. Surely we don’t have to turn a player “watching what is happening in a game” into a skill to make tweets sound more analytical.


Having my TV box tell me i cant record certain programmes and must watch them live.