You know what really grinds my gears?

Getting an email whilst on annual leave today about a first aid course… as if I wanna hear about mouth to mouth on a blowup doll whilst on leave and just after Arsenal has been done over by City at home.

Babywipes. Why is it near impossible to get just one out at a time?!


Not just baby wipes any fucking wipes. Does my nut in :joy:

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Mate I literally just had the same thought. Went for a baby wipe and took 3 with me I was fuming


Actually women some how can.

There is a knack. If you tear/cut either side of the opening slightly they’re easier to get out.

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Because the right way is to get 6 out in one go and wipe the arse with a massive breeze block sized wipe. It’s how the manufacturers envisioned this playing out. Bastards.

The worst is having to scrunch the excess ones back into the packet. Chips away at my mental health day by day


When too many wipes come out and I can’t be arsed to scrunch them back in, I find myself cleaning random items that I had no intention of cleaning, just so they don’t go to waste lol


Lool I did this literally this morning. Found myself cleaning the toilet for no reason just to justify taking 4 wipes in one go.

I even tried using my fingernails to squeeze a single wipe out but it is what it is.

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When your dogs think it’s fun to roll around in donkey shit and you then find out you haven’t got enough dog shampoo to wash the lot of them.

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People in public places who watch videos on social media through their phone but dont use headphones, so everyone in the vicinity of this person is forced to sit and endure the noise of what it is theyre listening to



Southern good ole boys who waste my time with their dumbass jokes. You’re not funny. You’re a moron. Shut the fuck up and let the adults have a conversation.



Day’s off to a good start, took a massive shit at work only to turn and see the loo roll dispenser was empty.


I’m intrigued to know what happened next?

Well, he is probably going commando now

If that’s the case the mystery deepens

Another underreported WFH benefit, being able to waddle downstairs half naked with a shitty arse to get more paper.


That made me laugh more than it probably should have :smile:

I carefully pulled my trousers up, being careful not to close my buttcheeks too tightly, as this could have led to the mess spreading, and waddled from my toilet to the next one.

Thankfully the office is empty, as all the individual toilets are unisex I could easily have waddled into a woman outside while making the switch.


Not going to lie this thread has been pure gold lately