You know what really grinds my gears?

Is that a euphemism? :grinning:

Toilet humour at its finest :ok_hand:

My face would certainly have been flushed if I had bumped into someone


Im sure that would be true but shit happens and the best thing would be to roll with it


You were certainly up shit creek without an appropriate amount of bog roll

Jakey in the office thinking he was getting away from all this for a few hours.

This is a bit rogue though, on reflection. Who stores their bog rolls downstairs when the toilet is upstairs?! Mine sits in the bathroom cupboard to minimise the distance that needs covering in the event of an emergency.


Surely he is talking about the downstairs bathroom where he has some additional rolls here.


I suppose he might be a posh cunt with two bathrooms, didn’t stop to consider that. You’d still defs have a supply upstairs though unless, truly reckless not to.

honestly hate using any other toilet rather then my own for a number 2, I’m a night time pooper and always in my own

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I get paid a nickel while my boss gets a dime, that’s why I shit on company time.

Knowing you’re being paid to take a shit is one of life’s great glories.


you don’t get the luxury and peace from your own toilet though, I need high quality toilet paper for my ass

Every day at my office the men’s toilet on my floor is busy from 9:30-10:30 because every bloke is doing his morning dump lol


synchronised dumping

I keep mine under the stairs.

Is this posh? I have a downstairs toilet and upstairs bathroom. A lot of houses do.

I do always make sure I have more than one roll in each though - I have these great giraffe toilet roll holders :sweat_smile:

gir affing a laugh

No, it isn’t really, I was just joking cos my abode has one floor and one toilet.

You’re a bit more posh though as a single woman with two toilets, you bourgeois fuck.


Went for a massive curry on Tuesday night, fully knowing I was gonna be in office the next day. Took 3 nice visits on company time :ok_hand:


Here’s something I never knew but learnt on a night out with some of my girlfriends mates. Women’s intestines are longer than men’s and that means that it’s normal for women to go 1-2 days without pooping, sometimes more when travel is involved.

Colour them shocked when they heard I poop 2-3 times a day lol

Although maybe my active lifestyle and pre-workout use plays a role in that haha

So that’s you in your avatar then @Cristo I thought it was your dog.