You know what really grinds my gears?

As a dad who received a hand written letter from my 3 year old (which looked suspiciously like my wives hand writing when she tries to write with her left hand) telling me I’m the greatest dad in the world (which I probably am) I have to disagree.

Going to quote @BigWeng_4LYFE and say “Haters gonna hate” I suppose


Don’t worry bud. A large percentage of my mates who had kids in their mid 20s are now either separated or divorced. It isn’t all rosey on the side either.


This annoys me generally, but because it’s social media I may know the person but in some circumstances I will also know the father, and also know that they are a fucking shit dad.

Happy father’s day to the best dad in the world, I loved how much you would watch horse racing on telly all weekend, drinking 6 cans of beer and telling me to shut up whenever I made a peep :heart:


Which part of my post is it that you’re gonna have to disagree with?

My post was about the performative nature of posting it all over social media. You receiving a card from your daughter (wife) is a separate thing, only tangentially related.

Was just messing with you :rofl: I also hate all of these “occasions” and all the fake over the top crap people do. You see this every birthday, every Mother’s Day, every Xmas etc… and it’s mostly the people who don’t bother at all with the person they are praising that go OTT. Social media has taken image and acting/performance to the next level it’s like another way of indirectly promoting yourself.


That’s exactly the reason I’m off all social media. It’s just a way for so many people to obliquely gloat that ‘my life is so much funner and better than yours’.

I don’t need to take pictures of where I’m going on holiday and who I’m with for the benefit of other people’s info thanks.

Ps. Not saying everyone is like that!


The irony being the people who do that or feel the need to do that are the ones who have it worse. Which is why they feel the need to make such a big deal about everything their doing.

But there is also something very narcissistic and self absorbed about it, they will find a way of making everything about themselves, wether it’s the death of someone (who they never bothered with in life), someone’s birthday, or any other occasion. It will always in some way be about themselves, their journey, how they feel etc… Social media honestly bringing the worst out of lots of people and giving a platform to annoying attention seeking people.


This. The issue is the narcissism of social media and not ‘Father’s Day’, which is an American invention anyway. The point of Mother’s Day, was to let your mum have a day off from being the family dogs body for a day. Father’s Day was a commercial add on, apparently they wanted Grandparents Day too but it never took off


Oh yeah I forgot to mention, you get like a second birthday as well.

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My birthday is within 30 days of Christmas, so I was operating on 11 months of getting fuck all.

Having a June opportunity to get something I want is a big victory.


So 2 birthday’s like The Queen and Father’s Day. Do you age twice as quickly?


Heavenly fathers day greetings on social media top the nauesa stakes.


The people who post quotes about mental health.

They say “call me any time babe, whoever you are.”

Even people I know well don’t answer the phone to me. My best friends doesn’t answer the phone to me when I am on the edge. I call everyone and no one answers. Yet apparently this random person will be there for me.

So yeah, any person who ever pretends to be nice when really they don’t give a fuck can get in the bin.


What time of day/night are you calling them?

Seagulls. Can’t eat on a UK beach in peace around them. Grrrr.


The term “Freedom Day” I swear its on the daily mail and express front page every day.

Please fucking stop

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Gary Neville
This bloke takes the term ‘prick’ to the next dimension.


That stupid dominos advert

Get in the fucking sea





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