You know what really grinds my gears?

I’d change barber if that was the case, that’s no way to conduct business.


Haha, yeah, I wasn’t explicit but me saying “Great, see you then” was a coping strategy so I didn’t lose my temper and have a row.

Like fuck I’m going there after that haha.

Edit: you’re so spot on, I would have thought they’d be eager to retain their customers, barbers in particular rely on repeat business, customer loyalty and word of mouth. If I go somewhere else nearby and they do a good job and aren’t cunts then I’ll literally never go back to this lot again.

:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


and miss out on such great customer service, your loss

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I’ve read a fair share of comments regarding Amazon on this forum. I have never had to deal with them myself. Until today! I’ve been exchanging emails with their customer support all day and they are fucking dimwits!! I’m now dealing with the forth person. :man_facepalming:t3:

A couple of my albums in their music store are associated with another artist, with the same name. Which isn’t unusual and easily fixed on other distribution sites. I can see that people have downloaded and purchased tracks from it. This means that the wrong band is getting the money. It’s probably not more then a few dollars but still.

I tell them this and they say I have to log into the bands page via their Music artist app. No I can’t because I’m not that band and therefore I can’t claim that page! Then they need to know specific numbers of the transactions made :man_shrugging: How the hell should I know?! Neither me or the other guys have received any money. Catch 22. One asswhipe even said that I can contact that band myself and ask. Amazon are giving money to the wrong people and I should fix it for them? Idiots.


Liverpool FC


Morons haven’t learnt their lesson from bulk buying before and are at it again. This morning in the supermarket - no hand wash, very little toilet roll and no pasta.

I didn’t check the condom aisle, but let’s hope they bulk bought all those up as well so that they don’t reproduce any more idiots.


It’s the Daily Mail’s fault. They reported panic buying last week, which in turn fueled panic buying


Actually think it’s fed by shops on social media this line.
Doesn’t take much with some of that audience.


Watch out for these, then. :slight_smile:


Good guys that get disillusioned by people taking advantage of them and turning into assholes to everyone especially anyone who’s not an asshole.

Not sure if that makes sense but I go into rage mode at this :tierney2:

Well have sex with one of us then

Citrix Workspace.

Over an hour I’ve been trying to get my fucking work desktop up. Not even like I can just crack on with the washing up or something useful as I’ve gotta sit here repeatedly trying to log in.

I’m not able to work rn but it’s not a day off either, fucking purgatory.


I’ve had this for months, continually clicking an app, watching the loading bar spin round, exiting, trying again and repeat x10

Finally last week it just started working first time, thank god for that.
I think the VPN was the problem in the end as it started working after IT raised it with the VPN providers

I actually support users using Citrix. Most of the time its user error. PM me if you get stuck.

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Citrix. Sounds like some sort of lemon-flavoured laxative.


Level of clickbait is off the chart, this article talks about the worst draw Arsenal could have.
It’s not even that bad a group :rofl:

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Sun gonna Sun. Cunts.

Trainers that don’t go on general release but are sold exclusively via raffles.

I’m obsessed with buying trainers and used to get a new pair maybe every three months or so, but I’ve got to the point where I’ve got about ten pairs of trainers and I can’t really justify buying more. Add pandemic into that, it’s seemed even more pointless, so I said I’d only buy a pair if I saw some I really really really liked.

Nike released a new sustainable pair of SB Dunks made from recycled materials that were class, I entered four fucking raffles (paying ninety quid up front for two of them before the results were even announced) just to try and get the opportunity to buy a pair and failed in each fucking one of them.


Wait you paid £90 for a chance to get to buy trainers?? That you then couldn’t buy?!

And you cunts give me shit for shopping in Whole Foods?!

If you want a pair of sustainable trainers, pick up a pair of All Birds. They’re not even made in sweat shops like Nikes are.


They refund the money if you’re unsuccessful obviously lol