You know what really grinds my gears?

Multiple ads in YouTube videos.


Filling in online forms and you go the drop down menu for nationality and scroll down to S and see Scottish isn’t there and then I have to scroll all the way back up again for British. Don’t know why I fall for it every time.

And William Wallace thought he had it bad.


Does it not annoy you aswell or the English people on here? Would you not rather be able to pick your own nationality instead of a made-up one

Nah man I just go straight for British.

So you do pick your own nationality? Madness.

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Even worse when you look for English, then British, and then you find it’s listed as United Kingdom haha

The Acts of Union were in 1707, I think most of us have had time to get used to this “made up” nationality.


Nah personally I’m quite happy to own Scotland as a Brit.

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I wouldn’t say it annoys me, but I would prefer to say Welsh. I’m not sure I’ve ever referred to myself as British.

Genuine question do consider yourself as British over English?

I always put “Gooner” as my nationality on forms.

In seriousness though @Calum, I’m really not sure, I’m really not very nationalistic at all, it’s not a way in which I define myself at all really.

I just don’t care to be honest :man_shrugging:

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Fair enough. If you don’t have an preference but I would like the option don’t think its that big an ask when every other country in the world can do it.

Legally and technically, you are British though. I get you don’t like it, but that is what you are.

Best hope you get another Indie Ref and don’t bottle it this time haha

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I know I am a British Citizen but would be great if you could pick United Kingdom then have a further drop down for the home nations lol.

Will you not be British even after an independence win? As the actual place is called Great Britain its just the United Kingdom bit that would change?

I agree.
As George Bernard Shaw said: people think the country they live in is the best country in the world just because they were born there.

I just don’t understand why people get emotional over a flag or a national anthem.

Politicians, especially right wing ones, use over emotional patriotism and flag waving as a tool to control the poorer and uneducated in society.
This goes for religion as well.


I think people are proud or protective over their home where they want there kids to grow up in.

Its your culture and makes you, you atleast a little bit. Your dad/ mum grandad /ma great grandad/ma etc contributed in some way to its history.

I’m not sure anyone on this forum would disagree with that statement tbh, I don’t think there’s any question as to whether people are allowed to feel patriotic, of course you’re allowed to.

It was more explaining why some people care about the country youre born into. Regarding Db10

I dont think its used as a way to control the poor, obviously like everything its used to provoke a response ofcourse.

Obviously fair enough if it was about explaining why, it’s the use of the word “allowed” that made me think you were discussing whether people are allowed to be patriotic more than why they might be patriotic.