What's the last video game you played?

YES! One of my favourite games ever!!! Man I played that game infinitely.



Weirdly Iā€™m absolutely loving it and I found Spider-Man and Red Dead boring as shit. Maybe I just have to accept that my taste runs different from the stream line mediaā€™s view point in games at the moment.

Days Gone got absolutely slated at realease but I honestly canā€™t understand why, itā€™s what I thought Red Dead would be except with exciting combat and your bike is far better than your boring ass horse.

This is the comment that made me buy it and Iā€™m so glad I did. Random reviews on Hot deals > Gaming reviews,

Had it on my iPhone last year. Will never get old - an absolute classic

Iā€™m pretty sure the first one is the first game I ever played in my life.

I loved spiderman thatā€™s an god of war are the only 2 games that story wise an gameplay wise had me hooked an couldnt wait to pick up an play again in the past year. I also found Rdr2 a chore to play.

Days gone I love riding around on the bike, crafting stuff while out in the wild an having to avoid hordes.

My gripe with the game I donā€™t find the characters interesting, the hordes are the only time enemy are dangerous. Compared to Sony other exclusive zombie game when you were 1on1 with a enemy it was scary an made u think how to get out off that situation alive. When your 1on1 or a couple of zombies here their not much off a threat.

Carnt comment on the story tho u till I finish it tho. But at the minute the story not gripping me tho it might change as I get further into the game.

Yeh i havenā€™t warmed to Deacon yet but I absolutely adore SOA so this is right up my street. Can I ask what difficulty you played on? I put it on hard was going to start on normal but Iā€™ve found while I donā€™t die on hard very much every fight is quite clutch. Unlike RD2 where the combat was the most boring by the number pile of shit Iā€™ve ever played I really feel like Iā€™m in a fight for my life during encounters with 2 or more freakers.

The combat and style of game reminds me so much of The Last of Us where you have to calculate whether or not your going to come out on top in a confrontation, the melee weapons are brilliant and I find myself absolutely fucked if it breaks when Iā€™m cracking skulls in.

I already like so much about the game and the control scheme is so intuitive, I love when games make good use of the speaker in the controller, and I love the touch swipe to activate the map and inventory. Not to mention the looting and crafting is spot on - once again akin to TLOU. I also really like how you can go to your bike and hold triangle to quicksave, really reinforced that your bike is your lifeline.

I know all these things are what youā€™d expect to find in a modern AAA game but with RD2 all these thing got on my tits about 7 hours into it, to the point I didnā€™t want to play anymore.

I am playing on medium but might crank it up now an see if it makes a difference for the zombies. I like the melee weapons on this but when it breaks I find using my knife is just as handy.

I do love it when games us the controller speaker Alien Isolation used it best because the speaker worked both ways so if u made noise the alien would find u :see_no_evil:.

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Yeh man it might not make as much difference if your leveled up but Iā€™m finding the nests super challenging on hard, took me like thirty minutes to clear out a 4 zone nest. I died once because I didnā€™t repair my spiked baseball bat. But I like things like that in games, nothing worse than it being too easy that its boring or too hard that itā€™s frustrating. Hard in this seems the absolute ticket to keep the fights exciting.

Also Alien Isolation is like one of my favourite games Iā€™ve ever played. Such a unique terrifying experience, and the nostalgia was amazing. Itā€™s probably one of the games of this generation but I rarely ever hear any other gamers mention it.

I will ramp up the difficulty an see if it makes much off a difference. I love some of the stuff in it like seeing the freakers chasing animals for food just wish their was abit more to them instead u find them in the middle off no were doing nothing.

Have u laughed at any off the glitches? I seen 2 last week that made me laugh one was a freakers stuck in mid air near a church. And one off the other was near the Liston knife were 3 freakers were attacking someone in a haz mat suit but he just stood their.

Alien Isolation is amazing game an is defo a top 10 game for this generation of gaming I would love to see a sequel

anyone with a ps4 download the free games each month?, Iā€™ve found some amazing games these last couple of years by doing this, some are games that I wouldnā€™t normally go for either

I downloaded them each month unless all bought them, but the most recent one I have enjoyed playing were dead by daylight, Friday the 13th an the deadly Tower of monsters.

Looking forward to playing horizon chase turbo for the nostalgia.

Detriot is free this month. I urge anyone to play this game. Captivating story with the most vast butterfly effect ever implemented in a game. 10/10.

heavy rain is free with it as well, which is an excellent game so Iā€™m really looking forward to detroit

I think the month a deadly tower of monsters came free was my first one trying them out, absolutely loved that game and platinumed it as well

whatā€™s everyone ps4 name, I will add you lot if you want

Last video game I played was The Hitchhikerā€™s Guide to the Galaxy game for Commodore 64 back in the 80s. :grinning:

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youā€™ve missed a lot :wink:

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Love games like this but struggled to get into detroit tho I love heavy rain an Fahrenheit indigo prophecy.

@LukeTheGooner my psn id is lister86

Iā€™ve found that I really love a walking simulator and especially if itā€™s mixed in with a puzzle game as well, Everybodys gone to the rapture, ether one (really buggy though, which stopped me from getting the platinum) and a few others that I canā€™t think of right now

Nah, Iā€™ve never been a video game guy. DIdnā€™t have much interest in Pac Man and Space Invaders and all that stuff in the 80s. I was more of a pool shooter and fussball player at the late 70s arcade. Then I graduated to the pool hall for my misspent youth.

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Everybody gone to the rapture is a beautiful game but it just bored me. But the good thing about free games we get to experience games we might not consider an itā€™s allways nice to find a gem of a game