What's the last video game you played?

I’ve been playing it and it’s absolutely glorious.

RDR2 and Horizon Zero Dawn are my two games at the moment.


RDR2 is absolutely incredible. Still the best game since its release.

Soundtrack is amazing as well.


RDR2 was one big yawn for me, gave up part way through.

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I enjoyed it but can definitely agree with anyone who got sick of the missions where you are just riding or walking to a place and doing something trivial.

Sifu - excellent game

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Is it as good as the hype suggest?

Subjective obviously but I’d say so. Very fun experience while sustaining a strong jeopardy level that requires the player to go through a gradual mastery of the controls and timing. Love the art style. Best ‘pick up and play’ title in a while.


Cheers mate I had my eye on it for awhile but waited for reviews as wasn’t sure if it was going to be good tho the concept of getting older and stronger but health decrease each time you died wasn’t sure if they pull that off.

Going to pick it up once I finished Forbidden East.

West* :smiley:

Yep that one :joy::joy:

This looks sick. Thanks for bringing it to attention man.


Been replaying Arkham City the last few weekends. Swept through the story to completion and am currently working on collecting all the riddler bits and pieces. I’m really not sure if my patience will take me far enough to set up a platinum trophy for when I come back to this in a year or so to do new game plus mode. Thats what i did with Arkham Asylum before this, got every single available trophy apart from the one for completing it on the hardest difficulty, so when I do that in a year or longer, I’ll bag the platinum trophy then and there.

As if all the other Arkham games didnt have enough fucking riddler trophies and riddles etc, this one truly took the piss and went fucking mental, there are like 200 of them.

One of the achievements/trophies is to visit this shit villain Calendar Man on twelve specific dates throughout the actual calendar year. Unless you remember to load the game up on Valentines Day, Easter Sunday, Halloween, Xmas Day and 8 other stupid specific dates you have to sit there and change the time and date settings on your console and reload the game each time to go and talk to this bellend, twelve times over.

The more I think about it the more I’m thinking I need to just fuck this platinum trophy off and do something else with my time lol

Even though I have crazy OCD with things and certainly consider myself a completionist, trophies and fetch quests are something that never got their hooks in to me. They have zero respect for the player’s time and they genuinely just aren’t fun. It’s why in general I find open world games boring and redundant. Don’t get me wrong I’ll give an open world a good once over if I’m enjoying the story and certain things like collecting Gwent cards in the Witcher really did hook me, but that shit you just described with Calander Man is the epitome of pointless bullshit from developers where they just try to draw out a games run time.

I actually remember those fucking Riddler trophies during my play through and thinking what sort of fucking lunatic would even waste their time- how does it appeal to people outside some cruel exploitation of one’s mild OCD. On the other hand Arkham Knight actually had some pretty cool side quests- one I recall in particular was the solving the murder cases. Really felt something Batman would find himself doing and it had a purpose in the world and story. In fact outside the Riddler trophies and some of the batmobile missions I felt like the Arkham games were a little more fleshed out than your average open world, certainly more so than everyone’s favourite Spider-Man. The latter had far too much fluff fetch questing for my liking.

I feel like if we want open worlds to evolve we need to move away from all this pointless bullshit in gaming. Keep trophies and let people who enjoy them benefit from a few hours extra game play but don’t purposefully waste some poor cunts life just so you can say you’re triple A game has a 60 hour story

Don’t even get me started on fucking fast travel or lack thereof in open worlds

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I’ve gone down a rabbit hole on youtube and have ended up watching quite a lot of speed running related videos, ones giving a brief history of world records for Super Mario, Super Mario 2, Mario Kart, Metroid, Super Metroid etc, and the timeline of the ridiculous techniques, exploits and glitches that are continually being discovered in order to shave seconds (or more often fractions of seconds) from world record times.

Personally, I’ve never attempted a speed run and never will, as I can only imagine that it would remove all enjoyment I previously took from the game, but I’ve started finding the concept to be quite fascinating. It’s really quite mental just how in depth a knowledge of the game these people have. Not only do they perfectly know the layout of every level of the game and have optimised traversing it on that “surface” level, they’ve discovered tons of glitches and exploits that basically break the game and allow them to get through levels at otherwise totally impossible speeds.

And even then, the knowledge is just part of it, you then need the incredible dexterity, hand eye coordination, timing and consistency to be able to perfectly run through each level at perfect speed and then execute many ridiculously precise button inputs at incredibly specific moments to pull off the exploits/glitches.

There are a few people who not only did this for one particular title, but simultaneously held world records in several other games, as well as top ten all time speed runs for other games too, and my mind just cant comprehend how you could possibly become so skilled at that many games and understand them all on such a deep level.

I can only imagine these people basically sacrificied being a functioning human in nearly every respect apart from when they’re playing Super Nintendo games, but I can’t help but respect it and be slightly in awe lmao.


Yeh I’m big into watching Resident Evil speed running on YouTube, I don’t really like the idea of watching other people play games as I’d rather play myself but I have to say it’s pretty cool and the people know the game inside and out so I usually learn something pretty cool about the culture of the game when I’m watching.

Not to mention the communities are next level. This isn’t speed running related but from the same community. Capcom when they were making Resident Evil 2 were like 90 percent finished and then they had a change of heart and scraped the title and redeveloped it into what we know today. However for the last 15 years modders have been working to make the game playable. A few weeks ago a watched a Resi speed runner play through a working version of Resident Evil 1.5 that if it weren’t for modders would probably have been lost to history over the last decade and a half. That’s not just nostalgia but some peak next level gaming bullshit that you just don’t get with casual communities. Also Leon’s name was meant to be Grant Bittman lmao.


What the hell. Did not even know this resi 1.5 was even a thing. Link meh naow

It’s only been a working thing for about 2 weeks, it’s been playable for the last 15 years but barely, you’d have to bring up asset managers to go room to room and such. I’m not sure where you would find it but I’d imagine maybe on some emulator and ROM forums. I haven’t been in the emulator scene for like 10 years so I wouldn’t even know where to start. I’m far too much of a filthy casual to set it up for myself these days so I just watch it on YouTube like a lazy cunt.

For what it’s worth if you played the RE2 remake it was highly inspired by the cutting room floor footage of RE1.5.

Oh I meant like a vid or website on it, not to actually play it haha

Oh lol yeh just try YouTube or twitch for Resident Evil 1.5 and look for something from the last month. There should be be Leon’s campaign and also Elza Walker’s. Elza was later redeveloped into Claire Redfield. I haven’t watched any of it yet though

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