What's the last video game you played?

I got Forza Horizon 4 free with my Xbox, I spent the best part of a year trying to basically give it away to someone on here because I’ve got no interest in racing games.

About a year and a half on from getting it I actually installed it, and it was so much fun tearing up the British countryside. I love all the little side quests like the Top Gear ones, or the stunt driving missions you can do for the action film being shot.

So much more to it than “drive to location X to do a race”


Anyone on here play Cold War?


What’s your GT I’ll add you can play sometime


I’m on after 10pm usually, do you play league play?

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I only play CoD WZ and MW lately - just with a bunch of friends it’s a lot of fun

I do have it, but have found myself going back to MW. But, if you fancy a game we can play. My PSN is Essaux in case you are on Xbox, I need to check my activision id number

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@SpankyJoyJoy nah not really, only play normal multiplayer and zombies. Not good enough for league play :arteta:

@Forever hell yea dig it out bro

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also has the funniest moment in that game

Jason, JAAAAAAAAAsooon


Anyone playing Black Ops Cold War? I ordered a pizza and it gave me a code to redeem for some free in game items lol, anyone want it? I don’t play it so its of no use to me

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PM them please mate x

Done. Let me know what the item is please, I’m curious cos it didn’t say lol

Thought I’d give Saints Row 4 a go as I heard good things, mostly that it’s big dumb fun and a pretty good superhero sim and not just a GTA clone.

I’ve got to say, it really is big dumb fun and I’m having a great time. The humour is a little bit “2012 gamer bro” but thats something that’s enjoyable from a nostalgic perspective lol, even if its not actually all that funny some of the time.

Right near the start the aliens try to trap you in this sort of mind prison, you’re basically stuck in a 50s American, suburban sitcom style simulation (good timing having just seen Wandavision) and your characters walking style becomes this ludicrous, over the top, happy-go-lucky sort of strut, and it just cracked me up and took me totally by surprise, I loved that it was just intentionally very silly.

I play so many “dark, gritty, realistic etc” games so its really refreshing to play something which absolutely owns how fucking ridiculous it is.

One massive gripe I had was the fucking awful driving mechanics, then I got my super powers and I could suddenly run faster than cars and leap buildings in a single bound, so that became an irrelevant concern :smile:

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Stoked that I’ve managed to pick up a 6700 XT and a 3060 for near SRP in this dead graphics card market


Just can’t justify the outlay for a PS5 plus the 4k telly that would make it worth buying in the first place. Especially not when I’m getting married and have a ton of home improvements to pay for.

But I can justify spending a couple hundred quid, so I think I’ve settled on buying a PS4 so I can play the Spidey games, Ghosts, God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us etc. Because what I really want more than anything is to be able to play these games after years of Xbox ownership, much more so than I want the next gen graphics, so it just makes sense for me to get a PS4.

Can anyone recommend if there’s a particular PS4 model that I should be buying? Any advice welcome on that front.


Playing only CoD CW and MW / Warzone - been a bit too much lately

Depends on the resolution of your telly, if you have a 4K one already even if it’s an older model the PS4 pro which samples up to 4K is your best bet. But if not the PS4 slim is what I would recommend, if it’s just to play the games and the size and stuff doesn’t matter then even the standard OG PS4 should suffice (fans might be a little loud) and can be found really cheaply.

Also congrats on getting married bro :muscle:t4::+1:t4:

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Nah, my TV isn’t 4k at all, sadly. It’s a decent Samsung HD telly, no complaints really, but it’s definitely a little outdated now.

Sounds like PS4 slim might be the one.

All I really need is the console to be able to handle the two Spidey games plus those others I mentioned, if it does that I’m all good.

And thanks man :grin:

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Yeah for the extra £30 your paying for the slim you getting a whole bunch of benefits, like a smaller profile, quieter fans, cooler console.

I think your going to love the games, so much to catch up on.

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The PlayStation 2 had 3 GTA games.

GTA5 has had 3 PlayStations.

Rockstar takes the piss these days lmao.


But the earlier GTA games were fairly simple games… these days the games are super complex to design and to program. The open world element requires tonnes of work. A game like GTA V or Red Dead Redemption 2 literally takes 5-10 years to create with a team of 100s of people involved.

If they could make it faster, they would. $$$