What was the last film you watched?

Scorsese is the master, if he wants to make two mob films with similar themes then we shut up and like it, hell we should be asking for more.

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I have hopes for the Irishman.

Anyways, Top Gun.

Slathered in cheese and 80s campiness. Which I loved. Questionable dialogue. Which I loved.

Also some great fighter jet porn.

7/10. Brilliant piece of propaganda. :clap:


The Irishman will be basic as fuck, Scorsese is way beyond his peak


Iā€™d argue both he and Tarantino are.

Gotta be more like Nolan. Have a ā€œstampā€ but give the audience what they want in terms of going to the cinema. Heā€™s made some great films in terms of sci-fi, action, war films and superhero stuff.

Iā€™d go so far as to say, if Nolan wanted to make a gangster film, it has the potential to be better than Scorsese and Tarantinoā€™s work (donā€™t shoot me :see_no_evil:)

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Iā€™ve not seen his new one, so donā€™t take this as a comment on that film, but I absolutely agree that Tarantino is past his peak. His films are overly long and incredibly self indulgent, he needs a good editor to put their fucking foot down. The Hateful Eight was genuinely just a rambling load of bollocks, I honestly got really bored in some parts.

I often find his signature dialogue to be quite grating now, Iā€™d like better fleshed out characters that have their own voices, but I feel like so many of his characters just sound like him.

Tarantino used to be one of my favourite directors full stop, but his shtick is getting a little tired for me. Iā€™m not completely trashing him, for example, Iā€™ve watched Django several times and think it is very stylish, engaging and has some very charismatic performances but itā€™s by no means a classic. Itā€™s another that is very indulgent. Itā€™s at least half an hour longer than it needs to be and his cameo and Australian accent are absolutely abysmal and incredibly cringey.

But he is capable of excellence, obviously. The dinner scene with Di Caprio and the unravelling of Django and the Doctorā€™s deceit, the opening scene of Inglorious Basterds, the tense basement bar scene in that same film. He just desperately needs someone to rein him in and tell him when heā€™s being indulgent and a bit wank, and help him to keep his films lean and taut.

Last part of my rambleā€¦ Jackie Brown is one of his very best films and very underrated. I think working with an Elmore Leonard story helped create a more mature film with more fully realised characters than he has done in basically any of his films since. I felt like that film could have marked a point where he matured a bit and his style slightly evolved, but he then seemed to move away from that.

But at the end of the day Iā€™ll always watch a new Tarantino film because they are always entertaining and good fun. Iā€™m just disappointed because I feel like he could be doing better.


Smashing post, wholeheartedly agree.

To say that Tarantinoā€™s films have become progressively worse since Reservoir Dogs would be an accurate opinion

Yep gone from being edgy to popcorn :popcorn: fillers !?

Exactly bro.

I think, when I watch a Tarantino film now, itā€™s more about how the actors showcase their talents than the actual content of the film

@JakeyBoy alluded to how di Caprio had a scene stealing 20 minute or so segment in Django. Thatā€™s what I really remember from it, too

The most recent film had Margot Robbie playing the quiet, meek, unassuming Sharon Tate, di Caprio in the role of an emotionally crippled, failing actor and Brad Pitt as his strong, silent stuntman double.

All played their characters to a tee. The story was just a mish mash of truth v fiction

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As soon as I saw the trailer I immediately thought Iā€™ll love this movie. It surpassed my expectations.

Watched IT today. Some good visuals throughout and some good scenes. Downside though was a drawn out action visual film that lost Kings true forte which worked better in the first chapter namely suspense.
This got sacrificed big time for visual effects. Entertaining all the same 7/10.


Stever Carell, Channing Tatum and Mark Ruffalo kill it. Some shots are beautiful. But some drab lighting and questionable storytelling let it down.

Wasted potential - 6/10

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Yep. Agree with you on foxcatcher, and the overall rating, too

If one doesnā€™t know the real-life story, itā€™s strangely engrossing. However, itā€™s one of those films you can only watch once

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I watched the documentary which was quality. Wish Steve Carell acted out some of those scenes, would have added a lot.

Yeah! That was better, I thought. The documentary almost makes you feel sorry for duPont but maybe weā€™re meant to :man_shrugging:

Maybe he was a troubled soul

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I think so.

As Astra
Some good scenes and not a bad storyline of Brad Pitt character being sent on a mission to bring back his dad from a failed mission on Neptune.
Traveling from a futuristic moon onto Mars.
Film didnā€™t give Pitt enough personality for me and for all the drama thereā€™s a moroseness runs through it and seemed a bit overly long at two hours.
Needs to be seen at the cinema for the effects though. Streaming and checking your phone will kill it. 7/10

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Just saw Pulp Fiction for the first time, crazy film, thought it was great.

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Reservoir Dogs is better


Yeah reservoir dogs is good too.

Anyone seen Joker yet?

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