What was the last film you watched?

You should rectify that immediately.

I have a to watch list longer than the Great Wall

Pitch Perfect 1-3 on repeat doesnā€™t count as a list


Itā€™s a parody of a failing rock band who used to be successful but are having to cope with their dwindling popularity.
Itā€™s brilliantly written but there are also several scenes that are unscripted and the actors are just making it up.
Iā€™ve seen loads of interviews with top rock musicians who recommend it because of the accuracy and closeness to the truth of a band on the road.
I donā€™t know anyone who hasnā€™t enjoyed it.


Would you give it a 10/10?.. I would give it an 11


Sorry I just had to post itšŸ˜†


Watching The Man Who Would Be King - what a film.

Sean Connery and Michael Caine on an adventurous romp in Aghanistan to become Kings. I suppose romp is the wrong word but itā€™s all with a glint in its eye.

Have revised my opinion of Batman upwards based on actually seeing it a second and third time despite saying I wouldnā€™t (dragged in).

My first viewing was a pre-release in a packed theatre and maybe I was distracted by all that and not having a great attitude about sitting for three hours.

My revised opinion is it is a masterpiece, and really goes to the max with complexities of superheroes, and the art + music combo with Matt Reeves + Michael Giacchino is right up there with the combo of Denis Villeneuve and Hans Zimmer for Dune.


The Worst Person in the World (2021)

A woman approaching 30 hates her life and wants to change itā€¦with not good results.


Load of degenerate wank thatā€™s been done a thousand times before and betterā€¦but of course it was nominated for 2 Oscars, lol.

Should just be called ā€œIā€™m a hot educated but childish mess who needs to find myself (lol): The Movieā€.

@Castiel, Iā€™ve just realised, for a big fan youā€™ve been suspiciously quiet on The Batmanā€¦ donā€™t tell me, your contrarian streak is winning out and you havenā€™t watched it yet because you donā€™t like how all the normies are saying itā€™s great? :grin:


Little England (2013)

Two sisters on a small Greek Island in the 1930s unknowingly fall in love with the same man - a sailor who is constantly at sea, for one it is reciprocated. While at sea, the sailor hears the news that the woman he was in love with and who had agreed to marry him had married another, so he marries her sister instead. Then war breaks outā€¦

Rather a lovely, though highly melancholy, film. Would watch again.


Took me 5 hours. Kept falling asleep. Says it all

Boring AF

Yeah Marvel with some real duds filmwise this year.

Black Widow was awful, Shang Chi was super dull and so was Eternals.

Their shows have been great though.

I thought Shang Chi was great man.

Black Widow was alright but this was certainly the worst of the MCU so far.

At least Thor 2 was only 90mins.

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Genuinely one of the better of Marvels entire catalogue tbh. Most are so fucking boring and generic, especially the recent stuff. I really thought this was fun with tons of heart.

Carriage to Vienna (1966)

A woman driving her horse-drawn carriage through a forest in Czechoslovakia days after Hitler commits suicide and as the war in Europe rapidly draws towards itā€™s end, is met by two German wehrmacht soldiers, one young and timid - the other older and dying, who hitch a ride with her toward their Austrian homeland - all the while not knowing the woman is sabotaging their journey and plans to kill them to avenge her husband.

I really like this. The film was banned in Czechoslovakia shortly after itā€™s release because it was seen as anti-Czech but also bizzarely anti-German. I liked the themes it explored - though controversial they definitely are - of the Germanā€™s being the kind of good guys while the Czechs are displayed as cunning and bloodthirsty.

I also like the understated approach to the filming - itā€™s mostly just 3 people and a horse-drawn carriage going through the forest, itā€™s really quite charming.

No trailer, for once, but the whole film is on Youtube with Eng-subs.

(No, thatā€™s not Tom Holland :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Watching a screening of Father Stu this evening here. Mixed feelings. Big fan of Mark Wahlberg but wondering if heā€™s past his prime, etc. Hope to be pleasantly surprised.

Never had a prime. Such a one-dimensional actor.

Oi! :grinning:

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I doubt Father Stu will be a success. In fairness Mark Wahlberg showed some decent range in this film but it was a bit slow paced and the dialogue really lacked polish. Looks like a low-ish budget low risk kind of film but if I want to go into these ā€œdifferentā€ kind of films I would say Clint Eastwood does them much better. Itā€™s not going to get a wide range of demographic for its audience either.

Have to say though that Sonic 2 is highly recommended as a family to the cinema film, saw it a few days back. Donā€™t know what exactly to pin the success of the film on, but it has a combo of warmth, good dialogue, and certain x-factors which make it good for watching with young ones.

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