What are you watching?

Not enough tits and arse in Chernobyl if you ask me

3.6 roentgens out of 15,000 from me


Not true.

That feller had his hairy arse out when he and his men were working naked


Oh yeah that was hilarious :arteta:

Those famous Ulstermen Ukrainians :arteta:


Watched first episode of “When they see us”.

Gripping, emotional and utterly tragic. Had never heard about this case before, so no clue what happens to the boys.

Yooooo, so has Disney+ not dropped in your guys area of the world? Holy shit The Mandalorian is soooooooo fucking good. I know it’s in the Netherlands but anyways it’s a good value, it should really kick the shit out of Netlix tbh.

March next year I think

Has anyone stuck with this?

No, didn’t think it was very good, only got through the first 4 episodes or so. Loved the idea behind it but meh.

Maybe try the book? Haven’t read it myself, but has been highly recommended by a couple mates who say its brilliant, unlike the rather average television show (again, not my opinion, haven’t watched it either)

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I enjoyed it initially but it starts to collapse under the weight of it’s own promise fairly quickly into it. Not to mention the massive wait times between seasons made life difficult the more muddied it’s narrative became.

I think it’s the type of show that might benefit from just being watched start to finish and I might do that some day because I lost track of it season by season a bit back.

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Ep1 of The Mandalorian. The hype is real :smiley:

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Episode 2 came out this morning, even more hypeeeeee. Not sure when it will be up on Pirate Bay as a torrent tho :joy::joy::+1::+1:

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Got it already :smiley:

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Filthy jawas.

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28 fucking minutes tho. WTF was that all about.

I didn’t even get passed the 1st episode. :sweat_smile:

Too complicated for ya? :wink:

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Watched the first season but then figured I’d save myself another 30 hours and just read the book that I bought years ago anyway

Supposedly the first two episodes were one long pilot, broken up into two episodes so they could release one on the day the app came out and the one on Friday. Maybe just rumors but I I hear going forward they are gonna be 40 minutes per episode.

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Interesting, didn’t know that. Hopefully it’s true, half an hour is not enough of this goodness.

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