What are you watching?

Not sure why I did it either lol, reminds of Macron a little bit (suits, haircut and general demeanor).

Ed Kemper is some character too.


If you haven’t already, check out some photos and videos of the real Kemper. Absolutely astonishing how good the casting is on that show.


Just started watching it too. Good so far

The one thing I dislike about Mindhunter is how it might “glorify” serial killers. The likes of Kemper and Manson ought to be given the death penalty, if you ask me. (And Brexit means Brexit, our jobs for our people, yadda yadda)

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Money heist or La Casa de Papel on netflix.

Spanish crime TV series about a bunch of robbers trying to pull a heist on the Spanish national mint and print themselves 2.4 billion euros. Quite gripping and appealing I must say, well worth a watch.

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La casa de papel Is very popular un muy country since the release.

#1 Halloween custom last year. People Is crazy for that show.

Anyone watch The Orville? Holy shit it’s a great show. It’s basically a Star Trek rip off by Seth McFarland the Family Guy creator, which seems like such a random and odd pairing, but it works. The first season was pretty good, and when the second season aired I kinda forgot about it, but I’ve been binging and it actually got better. Highly recommended :+1::+1:

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@PPB @Craigie @SRCJJ @JakeyBoy @DavidHillier @CunningLinguist

I thought you guys should know, I finally, after 6 long years, finished watching the Wire.

Also Jakey you were talking shit, I assume Friday night so you had a couple, Season 5 was fucking quality.

Tied with 4 for 2nd place imo.

3 > 4 = 5 > 2 > 1

I loved the ending. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Also poetic for McNulty’s end.

I loved Bunk s and Kimas development in S5. Bunk became one of my favourites despite not liking him much before.

The reason it took so long, is because of how real it is. They brought it all to life, the setting, the characters, everything.

It was too real, and very depressing. So I had to take breaks, cos it showed how fucked up our world is.

But 10/10. Best TV show I’ve ever watched. Shits a goddamn documentary.

Lastly, fuck Scott Templeton.

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Brilliant series, isn’t it?

I can’t think of anything better. S3 or S2 the best for me. S4 I didn’t like, but still riveting telly.

Proposition Joe my fave character.

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Chef season 2. Could watch Jon Favreau talk an cook food all day


Yeah, they created a drama that felt very grounded in reality and then in Season 5 they threw that out the window and descended into farce with McNulty inventing a serial killer

How can you be so wrong about something? :grin:

That’s pretty hard to argue against, actually.

But 2 things.

  1. Maybe I can suspend my belief enough to see that happening , with how fucked Baltimore was (I mean the police didn’t even know about the biggest drug dealers in Baltimore apart from McNulty in episode 1). Corrupt wild west. Season 3 had a police major conducting a drug legalisation zone as well, so that was also a bit fantastical.
    And there are some things in real life you hear about in the news, that you just say, ‘i can’t believe that shit happened’ so it’s not completely out there imo.

  2. Maybe because of the reasons I mentioned for taking breaks with the series (too real) are the same reasons I preferred the more unrealistic seasons.

Either or both above are my justifications.

Actually lastly, as this article states:

Maybe it’s because I’m watching it in an era where people are making up bullshit every day, and nothing seems too crazy.

I mean, if you had a political drama where the US president calls up an eastern European leader and tells him to go after his opponent, youd call that dumb and unrealistic…

Also I thought it illustrated McNulty’s descent and obsession pretty well.

M8 we need to have a Wire thread, I could talk about this show for ages.

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Just watching some Reno 911 clips. Absolutely hilarious. :arteta:

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Mindhunter is so damn good (sorry I keep going on about it)

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I just also finished a full 5 season watch through, and for me season 5 is a definite level below every other one.

I think the appeal is everything is slightly plain and therefore realistic, but season 5 has so much outlandish shit in it that is just too far for me. And also where it’s shorter I think it’s a bit rushed, e.g. where Dookie ends up after like 2 episodes and how quick the actual “wire” operation ends up being.

Also I didn’t really see the point of Jimmy reverting to total cunt after 4 seasons of progress.

It was a bit surreal for me, because it’s still clearly the wire. The acting is still pretty flawless, the dialogue between any two characters is great, the new characters set their scene outstandingly (e.g. Gus is kept up at night with the quality and integrity of his work while Scott is clearly a pile of shit) and the politics of the paper has racial undertones but it’s never explicitly stated - classic wire. But then it’s all spread around possibly the most ridiculous storyline I can think of in any serious drama.

I think I’ve finished 4 complete run throughs and if I was to rate them on quality now I’d probably say 1>2>3>4>>>5.

It’s basically better every time for me, so in 3 years I’d highly recommend watching it all again :giroud2:

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Trying to watch this Fleabag show that everyone is raving about. This shit isn’t funny.

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Never watched it but the clips look terrible :joy: but it looks a very English humour show lol.


Yeah I think maybe the English humor thing is part of why I can’t get into it.

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Fleabag started off as “wow! This is something unique and witty” to something “meh”.

Tried to mix comedy and drama which is something that requires experience and expertise.

Just finished watching The Thick of It for the first time. The episode with the enquiry is one of the best things I’ve seen in years. Absolute genius.