What are you watching?

Its a very fine line between homage and lazy rip off :grin:

Yeah it was just Rear Window, innit

Even the Simpsons did better than Disturbia in their ‘Milpool’ episode

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This fat ginger cunt on YouTube does a pretty good breakdown of this Cuties horrorshow

What the fuck were these filmmakers thinking. Fucking hell.

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Some good points but think we have a bigger discussion too be had here.
Go on all most any social media platform and you’ll find pictures of young girls posing older and provocatively photos. Can’t believe the amount of parents who endorse or even post this shit.
Loads of kids always have and always will imitate what they see in music videos etc. I think solely focusing on this film is just missing the bigger issues.
I’m saying this as a person with a ten year old daughter and sharing fears that are out there. This film wont make me more or less worried. Its what’s passing in the mainstream society that’s a bigger issue.


You can literally tell that side of things without zooming camera lenses into 11 year old arseholes whilst they twerk… there is no discussion to be had about this shameful shit


Yeah I don’t have any 10 year olds on my insta thankfully but my friends sister and her friends sometimes used to pop up in my suggested feed and they were 14 at the time and definitely did not look 14.

Crazy how quick these kids want to grow up.

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Fair enough. Point I’m making here is the acceptance of all this real life shit leads to someone making this sort of film and leading too this situation.

I guess you’re going to watch it then if you think peoppe need to see the bigger picture?

I almost feel the same way when I see things about the Holocaust on television.

Yes, it is a lesson from the past and yes, in no circumstances do we want to see this repeated EVER.

However, I feel directors and producers are just cashing in on a shameful part of human history here now. Much like this new Netflix programme which is supposedly pushing boundaries and asking us whether it’s right or wrong- we don’t need a moral compass to gauge this one.

The holocaust films are not acted my people who are going through said experiences…

This film is acted by literal children who are literally performing like adult strippers. Being told to by actual adults


Makes it worse.

Still, I don’t think we should exploit the Holocaust or India’s partition in 1947 for television viewing purposes and helping someone cash in.

I learnt far more about this from first hand accounts in historical documentaries (e.g. the World at War) than I ever would on film


No I’m not. Look at the music videos your kids watch. Listen to the lyrics your kids sing. Look at the pictures being posted on social media by kids.
Look at the clothes young and I mean very young kids have available now.
Then go on YouTube and listen to some of these youtubers and how they influence.
Take the shit film down by all means. We still don’t eradicate the bigger issue.

I think it’s a shit concept for a film but I actually think it’s a shit marketing ploy to get people to watch it.

Its not eradicating the bigger issue by demeaning the film or taking it down

Everyone knows these things are issues, I hate social media and celebrities for it.

Youre the bigger issue kinda guy, but you won’t watch it, my point is, who is this film for other than nonce? No normal person would watch that shit, no normal person would go ah this adult got this 11 year old to rub her pussy and stick her tongue out whilst dancing. What great light they are shining on this issue.

Look I’m not trying to ride a white horse of censorship across the field here.
I’m not supporting the director or film industry right to film what they want.
I actually think there far too many questionable subjects get filmed under that flag.
I’m just saying as a dad things closer too home are more of a concern for me than this film.

I’m not taking higher moral ground than anybody else on it ,just my take.
I hope I’m not going too be seen in a lower one for it though.


The point you were making was perfectly clear on your first post I thought.


This is the bit I struggle with.

You know, we satirise or critique our violent society by showing violence in films, Natural Born Killers springs to mind. We satirise or critique greed and excess by showing copious amounts of greed and excess, like Wolf of Wall Street.

So I’d understand using highly sexualised imagery to critique that exact thing, but I don’t know that I can square that with ten year old kids or whatever, as they really did get the kids to dress up in that skimpy stuff and do the highly sexualised dancing, with cameras focused in on their arses and crotches. I am judging that on the clip, so can’t judge the piece as a whole, but it doesn’t seem right to actually get real kids to do that stuff that you’re criticising. If they’d got an eleven year old to put on bad make up, dress and mums heels, and to imitate their totally inaccurate and childish conception of a “sexy woman” is, that’d be one thing. It could be though provoking to some, maybe a bit outrageous to others, but there wouldn’t really be a legitimate argument that the child actor had been sexualised or treated inappropriately irl, imo. Or if you just toned those scenes down a lot, you could make the same point.

As I said before, I can’t judge the film really as I haven’t watched it, but the clips I saw put me off giving it a go. I think it’s blown up way too much based on outrage from people who are condemning the whole piece and the intentions of those who made it without having seen it, but I do see why people have an issue with those clips and still images taken from it.

Part of me wants to watch it just so I can have an informed opinion, as its clearly a topic that interests me, but I’ve been completely put off by those bits, just not something I want to see.

People say art is meant to be challenging, and that you shouldn’t shy away just because something will be difficult to watch, but maybe this is where I draw my line on that lol. I’ve watched shit like Salo, but stuff involving kids? I guess the paedophile in Happiness is the most difficult watch I’ve had in that front, but I did think that was a good film and one that was worth having watched.

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Yeah I think I’d have to watch some of it to have a more informed opinion on it, I initially saw the headlines and didn’t give a fuck but then it blew up and now it is everywhere on the internet.

Tbh I don’t really get it, isn’t this exactly where pop culture and commercialism has been sliding for years and years and there is some joke in there about how you (the world) are hypocrites as you didn’t give a fuck about broadcasting that ugly anaconda chick doing that shit on tv all day for years and now 10yo kids imitate it? :grin:

I mean I might have missed some points here but I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the point of the film maker is look at how you are all angry at the cultural and moral slide you’ve been just fine with all along, why are you shooting the messenger.

But yeah, like Jakey, I probably have to watch it and I don’t feel like doing that lol


So just to be clear your conflating a consenting adult making sexual dancing to an 11 year old girl doing the same? A genuine 11 year girl, not say a 16 or 18 year old who looks 11, but an actual 11 year old turned out for pedo porn.

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no, if anything you’re conflating what I’m saying.

I’m saying adults haven’t done much to prevent exposure of this shit to children which might be the actual point from the film maker, to show you how angry you get now, and you should be angry with yourselves. There might be a more serious issue out there, that your 10yos nowadays actually do this shit that’s in the film. Maybe you should worry about that instead?

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The social dilemma on Netflix is a quality watch.

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