U.S. Politics

All I’m saying is that if they speak English throughout then you’ve already suspended your disbelief about native Africans all speaking English, so I don’t see why the catchphrase would then be a problem. That’s why I ask if they speak English throughout.

Yeah they do speak English throughout

:gunnersaurus: :gun:

She’s a right wing nut job with the best of them. I can’t wait for all the Trumphumpers who embrace a man that brags about sexual assault to suddenly become horrified that people would criticize a female judge.

Fuck. Donald. Trump. Cannot be said enough.


The question for me is, how partizan could a supreme court be when ruling on stopping votes being counted?

This is interesting.

What’s interesting about it?

The left wing are turning middle of the road voters more to the right and against the left.

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No they aren’t.

So I made 7 minutes into the video you posted. Everything he said is wrong. 90% of this country lives in an echo chamber. They seek out and listen to people who support their viewpoints and what they want to believe about the world. This “middle” or “undecided voter” is a such an insignificant percentage of people who will vote it’s ridiculous to even talk about them. Nobody is pushing anyone anywhere.

Blaming “the left” for the rise of the police state is fucking asinine and complete and utter bullshit.


Tim pool is a hack


I’m curious as to your mindset so indulge me here. Describe to me “the left” as you perceive it.

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Yeah seems to one of those morons who sucks Jordan Peterson cock like it’s a lolly.


You spelt bald fraud wrong


I know a lot of my friends, either from the left or right, that say they are fed up with being told what is politically correct and what they can and can’t say or “white privilege,” being blamed for what is wrong with the world.

When you have people like Ricky Gervais, Stephen Fry and Rowan Atkinson saying that freedom of speech is being eroded, you know it’s gone too far.

Note that each one of those people are white males of a certain age. And they can say anything they want. They just aren’t free from the repercussions of being a dick to everyone around them. Which all 3 of them do so enjoy being a condescending cock to anyone who has the audacity to disagree with them.


Down with free speech! Booooo

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This is the whole point.
You can disagree with them and that’s what they want.
What they don’t want is a society where you have to be so careful not to offend anyone, even inadvertently.

People seem to go out of their way to be offended by things that they think might offend other people.
What has that got to do with anything I said about people being put off by the left wing, politically correct, telling us what to do and say and that it’s putting a lot of voters off them?

So, they want to be able to say anything want and treat people how they want with no consequences? And you’re blaming the people who get offended?

This reminds me of Christians who think they’re being repressed just because gay marriage became legal. That’s some serious Jordan Peterson levels of cognitive dissonance there.



What do you want to say that you don’t feel you can say? Genuine Q