Transwomen Participating in Female Sports

I mean, at this rate we might just as well cancel all diversity between the sexes in sports.
Regarding trans having their own class, it would be the best solution. Maybe there aren’t enough trans people, but so be it. Maybe you just have to face a fact that your elite athletic career is over. What’s more important to you? Living your life as a woman/man or being a star athlete?


I still can’t wrap my head around how having a low testosterone level for 12 months is deemed a sufficient enough indicator that a trans female athlete should now be allowed to compete with women


Sounds reasonable to me.

I agree.
Although, before they became female, these male athletes were no where near elite so maybe it’s fair that they shouldn’t be competing against genuine women athletes.

They didn’t become female, no biology was changed…it’s correct to say they identify as a woman (gender) they are still male (sex) biologically


TERFS :handshake: BoJo

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“I don’t think biological males should be competing in female sporting events. Maybe that’s a controversial thing to say, but it just seems to me to be sensible.

"I also happen to think that women should have spaces - whether it’s in hospitals, prison or changing rooms - which are dedicated to women. That’s as far as my thinking has developed on this issue.

Probably one of the few times that BoJo has said something I totally agree with.


Its wild he has to even say that may be controversial lol

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How have we got to a situation where a very small minority of people have made this a controversial thing to say?

To put it bluntly, it’s just blokes who aren’t anywhere near the top of their sport, saying “'I’ve decided that I’m a woman so I’ll just pop on this dress to make it more realistic and now I’m going to beat any woman who stands in my way.”

The Wokists who perpetuate this nonsense are proof that the squeaky wheel always gets the oil.

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I can promise you now that not a single male who transitions to female has done so because they want to be an elite athlete in their chosen discipline. Not only that - there isn’t a single elite transgender athlete.

correct me if I’ve I’ve misunderstood you thougu


They might not be elite but they are certainly gaining a massive unfair advantage.
They’re taking away medals from women who have trained hard only to see their chance of medals taken away by unscrupulous male athletes who “say” they identify as a woman.
But I do agree, they are not elite athletes.

The idea that people are just pretending they are women to win at sports is insane.

Firstly, it doesn’t work like that and there are thresholds to meet. I don’t know all the ins and outs but I do know it requires more than a declaration of womanhood and a pair of high heels.

Secondly, we’d never have heard of one of these people if the media didn’t spin the stories up so much. They are obscure people competing at an obscure level and none of us gave a shit about that level of sport yesterday and nor should we today.

Thirdly, all the elite sportswomen, ever, are not trans. This even extends to individual sports like golf or tennis where the extra power of being a man would be an inherent advantage. If this is an issue why are those sports not overrun with trans women?

If there were all time greats out there like Steffi Graf being denied grand slams because of this I might be able to understand why some get so bent out of shape about it, as it is I’m just left wondering why people are pretending to care about womens sports so they can bang on about this.


Maybe because it’s not only about women sports. It’s more about the general trend of woman’s rights, spaces and sports at lower levels and as recently elite level being infiltrated by men (regardless of how they feel they are men). It seems in your progressive head women wants and rights don’t matter when it comes to a man in a dress. You will find a lot of your average biological woman ( can’t believe I have to tule that) is against it. How do you think elite women start off? Women’s rights and safety should not be pushed aside

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Thats a very good post tbf. the one reason I would give is this. I dont look at it from the elite POV. I see it from a base level.
So a female from her teens say being on a athletics, team sport or swimming organisation missing out on a place to a transgender athlete is hard too take on the individual as both a competitor and a female.
Unless you reach a level were the majority of females are of acceptenace I dont think it should happen.
I do agree though on the key issues your bringing up.


That’s not what transgender women are and it’s kind of disingenuous to portray them as that.


Then what are they? If not a biological man in woman’s cloths.

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They’re women.

The idea that there are waves and waves of men just declaring themselves transgender in order to break records, win trophies and money (lol as if womens’ sports had any real money behind it) is just not true.

Like Sham said, the only reason people are suddenly experts in collegiate swimming is because certain politicians in the USA have decided to make it a talking point. It angers their base and gooses turnout for the midterms in November.


By all means show me one post by you ever (outside of this issue) arguing for women’s rights. Get to fuck it’s about that.

The NCAA swim championships are not elite level.

Women’s rights really matter to me. Officially due to my job I can’t campaign during elections but when we voted here to remove the constitutional ban on abortion I had some very difficult personal conversations with friends and family on why passing that vote was important. In the grand scheme of things the tiny numbers of people involved here are not denying women any rights. Not a single one.

Nah, I don’t think you’re correct there and any evidence I provide to the contrary you will dismiss as “what else would they say for fear of being cancelled” so I won’t bother.

Finally, we agree on something. Thankfully neither of these things are happening.