Thomas Partey (5)

You can be relieved it’s not one of your players, while still thinking it’s a disgusting thing that deserves punishment.


There is no way Partey would be arrested on allegations of rape and released on bail only to then fly to Germany with the squad lol

If he’s in Germany then I’m pretty sure that it isn’t him.

Please God let it not be


I mean feasibly possible they couldn’t charge him and he’s free to walk even if he had been arrested, but the likelihood of that being the first thing he does and the club not at least taking some time to think it over, is extremely low.

I just pray he’s actually in Germany.

We can and all have an Arsenal agenda, so it would be pretty obvious most, if not all of us will be relieved if it isn’t Partey. That doesnt detract from the fact that if true the person actually responsible should be punished and slated, etc.


Also there’s absolutely no doubt we all give way more of a fuck if it’s potentially one of our players, not sure why that’s even a topic.

Nobody wants the allegation to be true regardless of who it is but you can be damn sure a bunch of Arsenal fans are going to be that extra bit worried about our own players.


If he isn’t the guy that was arrested, then I can’t even imagine how it must feel to know that everyone thinks it was you.


Unfortunately women get raped all over the world every day, likewise young children etc. it’s all fucking disgusting and I wish it didn’t happen.

I make no apologies for hoping and being relieved if it is indeed not an Arsenal player committing these acts.

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It must be awful but in fairness I don’t think anyone outside of twitter trolls thought it in a malicious way or assumed it was him for any reason other than narrowing down the options on the limited facts given.

Hopefully his name will be clear and the same twitter cunts can keep him trending with their apologies.

If the Wheatley tweet is true then surely it can’t be Partey.

I doubt the club would allow him to train / play in the friendly in Germany if he’d just been arrested the day before. Presumably he’d need to have been released on bail as well to even be allowed to go to Germany?

I’m sure they’d tell him to stay at home whilst all this shit gets sorted out.

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You only get released on bail if you have been charged with an offence. You can still be pending investigation and get charged later.

Lets hope for the best.


Perhaps we should keep the discussion in that other thread?


Tweet now deleted :disappointed_relieved:

Well, Wheatley deleted his tweet…
He’s proper fucked if he tweeted that out without doing his due diligence.

After years of giving shit to Chelsea, City & United for having players linked with incredible activities, It would be really (albeit inevitable) shitty to have one of our own.

God, I hope all this is nothing news.

He might have just deleted it because he was getting too many comments and reaction to it. Some of the replies were proper disgusting. People celebrating it as if they’d won the lottery. Just a simple “glad it’s not an Arsenal player” would do if they must celebrate it at all. But some people went OTT forgetting that somewhere in all this a girl may have been raped.



When was that pic taken of Partey?


I wonder if that was Wheatley’s source as he is following the owner of that business.