The weather

You’re in SoCal, right?

I read the west of Scotland is the hottest part of the UK today.

Youse can have the football lads and we’ll take the weather :joy:

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Take some of ours, Calum. 36 today, 38 tomorrow. Two-week chunk of plus 30’s.

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Washington State. About 60 miles southwest of Seattle.

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What a shit summer we’ve had

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Yeah, you must be dripping. Our heat up here is a lot drier than you wet coast guys.

We were. It got up to 108f/42c on Monday. We had foil over the windows and every fan we own running full blast, it could have been worse… but it was pretty miserable.

We’re back to regularly scheduled weather programming now. It’s 70f/21c and overcast. A beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest!


It’s not our normal, either. We usually max out at about 32, and that’s only for a day or two about two occasions per summer. That sort of max out is plenty for me.

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Gonna be rough here this week :grin::grin::grin:

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Picked today to help my father dig up an old rock garden and put in a new one. Genuinely felt like I was digging my own grave.


“Seems it never rains in Southern California
Seems I’ve often heard that kind of talk before.”

Could do with some wet stuff up here. Been hot (high 30’s) and dry for weeks. Might get a sprinkle on the weekend. Smoke from all the forest fires is a problem at the moment.

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You are in Canada? Yeah we go through droughts here pretty regularly. Had a pretty bad one for about 10 years where the government was limiting how much watering we could do on our gardens ect. Then we had two insanely wet winters, el Nino events, and the drought ended. Now we have had a couple dry winters in a row and back to drought levels.

I was in LA some years ago during a long dry spell and remember water use being limited due to low levels in the reservoirs in AZ. Gotta be devastating for farmers down there.

It’s funny because everyone acts surprised. Like climatologist haven’t been predicting this for a couple of decades.

When you live in a desert and deserts are getting bigger and drier the world over, how can you be surprised that you’re running out of water? Maybe don’t have a lush green lawn if you live in a desert?

We’ve been fighting over water rights since white people moved into the west. Water wars are coming… and not the cute little redneck ranchers shooting at each other over the fence kind of wars. Massive riots and police actions. Welcome to the dystopia.

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Yep, I hear you. This stuff is going to ramp up pretty quickly if this climate changing continues the way it is.

Right in the middle of winter in Melbourne…

So, er, 15 to 20C range?

Yeah around 15 mate. Nice days are 17 or so with sun, bad ones can be 13 with rain.

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Gonna be 27 degrees tomorrow apparently. I might die.