The Relationship/Wedding Thread

Not all people are smart though


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My mum is clearly smarter than me, sheā€™s one of those non-same sex couples who entered into civil partnerships instead of marriages.

Ohhh I get it now.

So less marriages and more civil partnerships, makes a lot of sense.

Marriage is a fairly antiquated religious tradition and I feel like itā€™s mostly girls are the drivers for marriage and pressure men into it so that they can be the centre of attention at a big party in an expensive dress.

Legally whatā€™s the difference between marriage and civil partnership? Is it just non-religious?

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Marriages arenā€™t necessarily religious, I had a humanist ceremony, not a trace of religion to be seen or heard.

Marriages are formed via vows, whereas a civil partnership is formed via the signing of a partnership document. Marriages end with divorce, civil partnerships by dissolution, though its essentially the same process.

Basically, I think the most significant difference is in nomenclature, I think they confer the same legal and taxation benefits.

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Aha ok fair, thanks for the clarification. Doesnā€™t seem like a massive difference ultimately.

How to tell a girl to stop sending mixed signals without falling out with her?

Depends which one of the signals you want

Get in my bed ones

Sounds like you just need better banter then

My banter is top tier

Clearly not, or you wouldnā€™t have to ask this question

Lol imagine thinking I was being serious. You of all should people should know that. Was trying to make light of a pretty shitty situation

Elaborate a bit more about how sheā€™s being if you can bro?

Are you unsure if she likes you or you both like each other but sheā€™s constantly giving off mixed signals about the direction?

Well I like her and sheā€™s giving signals now sheā€™s into me. Problem is she has a boyfriend (I know to steer clear of that, Iā€™m a piece of shit but not that much of a piece of shit) but sheā€™s incredibly flirty and always asking when sheā€™s working with me again and she likes working with me etc etc. Iā€™m probably just looking too far into it tbh. Have a habit of doing that

Eh, sounds like she wants a work husband which is all well and good but do your due diligence. Make sure her manā€™s not a psycho whoā€™s gonna pull up and make you levitate lol.

Aside from that I wouldnā€™t push anything. Let her do the flirting and shoot her shot. And more importantly remember donā€™t ever catch feeling for a woman you know isnā€™t good for you lol. Make sure youā€™re talking to other beanies at the same time to take your mind off of her too.


Oh yeah Iā€™m still looking. Not mad enough to put all my eggs into one basket lol

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Do you like your job?

If so would advise not attempting to dip your pen in the company ink so to speak


I only work with her sometimes, weā€™re based in different areas but Iā€™ve worked with her a few times

Iā€™ve done it at every job Iā€™ve ever had and Iā€™ve never learned donā€™t lesson. Itā€™s good advice but itā€™s not easy to adhere to

Met my ex wife at work lol


Not so bad the but it sounds like a potential messy situation especially as she isnā€™t even single

@SRCJJ: ahahaha why am I not surprised, real driller out here