The randomly nothing thread

I need a friend like Micah.
Effing sunshine

Soldier boy who’s uniform looks like it’s straight out off Zelda.


When you order a home delivery for the weekly food shop, does anyone else find it awkward when you’re unpacking it at the door? you and the delivery driver try and make small talk but it’s just uncomfortable, weird and awkward

it’s fine when you order a takaway because it only takes a few seconds

probably just me


This is the entire reason I don’t get my weekly shop delivered.

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the guy yesterday tried to make a joke and I just did a fake laugh, he said we were missing strawberries and bleach and then said it’s a shame because you won’t be able to bleach your strawberries


Yeah. Now that they don’t give you bags, you have to take each item out individually while they just stand there waiting for their crates.

I don’t really like online shopping anyway, i guess it’s fine if you have an exact shopping list or buy the same things every week. But personally I find it much quicker to just go to the supermarket. That way I don’t miss anything I need. Can go round the shop in about 45 minutes whereas when I do it online I find it takes me ages and then I usually log on again the night before it’s due to add more things on.

They always have a nice chat with my wife at the door, but I get absolutely nothing. I do give off cunt vibes that she doesn’t tbf.

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sometimes you get the moany ones that just try and tell you about how bad their day was, honestly I don’t really care


That’s a great joke, you’re the problem, dude sounds delightful and witty.


Savage haha.

I don’t drive so the online shop is a godsend. It is a bit awkward though, trying to maintain small talk with the delivery person in between lugging those heavy crates up the stairs to my upstairs flat, getting increasingly out of breath with each trip because I’m hurrying as his vans just in the middle of the road blocking traffic.

But if they’re chatty I don’t mind giving a bit back. I’ve worked in public facing roles and I really cherished those few pleasant interactions I had with customers lol, because otherwise those jobs are largely shit and unfulfilling (based on my experience)


And you don’t have a vagina


he could do, you don’t know that

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Just put Won’t Get Fooled Again by the Who on Planet Rock on full blast on the radio on the drive home after a “meh” day at work

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I thought you were retired?

I tend to stand outside the gates nowadays in a shirt n tie between 9am and 5pm.

Gets the family thinking I’ve done a full day’s work.


Yeah same here, there’s this South African guy who does my Deliveroo, and he always talks to me. I feel bad for him seems like he don’t have any interaction during the job, because he will talk for about 10 minutes on a wide range of subjects like his bike to his studies, other day he was telling me about his dad and communism and racism in South Africa. Good dude, annoys my wife a bit when he comes because he talks for so long. But I think he might be going through stuff.

I tell you what I got one of them faces where ever I go people will randomly talk to me, crack a joke etc… always give it back as well.


Haha, fucking hell, I was not talking about having a ten minute chat while my takeaway goes cold :joy:


Especially if the meal’s come over from South Africa


Nah it’s mostly crap from the Waitrose :joy:

the frozen has probably defrosted by the time you get it to the freezer

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