The randomly nothing thread

Am I missing a joke? Why is Ben Affleck your hero?

Going to be putting a trampoline up this morning, fucking pain in the ass.

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Aw great. Can I come round?

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Not really. I just like his films, he seems like a nice guy and he is enjoying life. Good for him


Batfleck’s the man.

Affleck is one of those celebs I’ve just confidently decided is a dickhead for no reason. Like, I have this residual, low-key dislike of him and when I think about it, I literally couldn’t provide a single good reason for it.


Oh that’s interesting. I really like Affleck. Every interview I see with him etc. I feel like he comes across really well, seems like a decent chap (well as decent as they can be in Hollywood).


I loved his little cameo at the end of the Jay and Silent Bob reboot, dude seems really grounded now, like he’s been through the Hollywood cycle and come out the other end, not necessarily for the better but more like the person he was before went in, as though he’s came full circle.

He also probably thinks you’re a dickhead too @JakeyBoy but with a bunch of reasons why.


Same. Lovely guy. I think he’s a great lad tbf, and he deserves to enjoy shagging JLo like he is.

@JakeyBoy u need to stop hating.


Affleck makes great movies, so within that prism I like the guy.

I just find him pretentious since below video

I did laugh when Affleck’s natural response to “Islam is motherload of bad ideas” was “Jesus”

Have to agree with you. I don’t like the guy, don’t like his movies and comes of as kind of a knob. Don’t know why but that’s the vibe I get him from. Hundred percent watching this south park episode with him in it as a kid influenced my thinking.


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Haha good page.


Yep that’ll work :joy:

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Yep just like his involvement on the world cup bid did.

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Tbf his failing there was he didn’t bribe anyone. @Calum can your vote be bought? :grin:

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What no knighthood to Platini?

Roy and Micah need to go on a tv road trip would be absolutely gold :joy::joy::joy::joy:


That was brilliant, thanks for sharing.

The best thing to happen during Covid has been the relationship between Roy and Micah blossoming lol