The randomly nothing thread

Lmao some people are honestly deranged


Heā€™s shooting fucking pheasants and grouse every year. Some conservationist.

These are the same people that camp out for a week to get a first glimpse of a royal baby or wedding dress

Itā€™s hard to believe that there are people like these and they are not putting on an act

Canā€™t really knock people for being like this, people do this for athletes and music artists all the time. Iā€™m sure there would be thousands who do the same if god forbid something happened to someone like Wenger, I know I would definitely go to the Emirates at least and lay some flowers or something, each to their own I guess.


people were asked not to lay flowers and donate money by the queen. Insincere gestures for facebook and selfies trump charities though.

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When David Bowie died, if I saw some random person stopped in the street saying on camera it was like they lost their dad Iā€™d think they needed to pull themselves together too lol.


Yeah when Lemmy died I just took a sickie and got wrecked. Ways and means man.
Tbf Lemmy could of been a dad to a lot of people who donā€™t even know it.


This made laugh irl mateā€¦thatā€™s highly likely too.

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Iā€™m pretty devastated by DMX, those awful martial arts films he done with Jet Li in the early 2000s were a staple of my younger teenage years.

Christ they were awesome, awful but awesome.


@Electrifying :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Is it an accent or more of how he speaks? Still funny anyway haha.

The woman seems like a nice woman who has attached herself to Royals through her motherā€™s interest. Itā€™s no worse than most peoples religions where they create some diety patriarch or obsessing over celebs like you say. People ultimately find some comfort in it or feel they have some form of relationship


East coast accent. Horrific :joy:

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The reason he keeps talking about his own accent and voice must indicate heā€™s hamming it up a bit

Neat - No capacity limits


Baseball stadiums nearly always look great.


Oracle Park and Dodger Stadium are my faves

One thing about America that always amazes is just the sheer size of everything. Europeā€™s biggest football stadiums donā€™t even come close to it

Not to be that guy but how have they managed it?

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