The randomly nothing thread

I don’t even use hair conditioner (unless the 2in1 is the special offer when I’m buying shampoo) never mind conditioning my towels.

Guys, you’re given 500k. But everyday for the rest of your life you wake up having crippling diarrhea for the first hour of the day. And its not curable. Do you take the money?

If you sleep in, do you shit the bed?


I use Ecover, they’re really good environmentally

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No its from the minute you wake up and get out of bed

I could live with that.

Where do I sign?

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eugh really?! Idk just the thought of waking up and have legit crippling diarrhea for a whole hour puts me off lmao

Nope. If it was once a week, maybe.

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I’d take the money. You never know, a cure might be just around the corner.

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500k isn’t a big enough sum to tolerate a whole hours worth of painful shitting for literally every remaining day of my life. Definitely gotta up that number to make it a tempting hypothetical for me.


With my garlic and chilli consumption that wouldn’t be too much different from reality. The garlic would make the diarrhea last much quicker than an hour so I’d be cheating the system. I’m in.


This got dark quick.


20 posts were split to a new topic: Investments (Stonks)


No better time for a walk by the sea than on a non-rainy, crisp Autumn morning. On days like this its my favourite season.


I was today years old when I found out TAG stands for Touch and Go.

Did anyone not know this? :joy::joy:


Someone please track down @Persona he needs to see this. :slight_smile:


Random thought do you think our livers have wondered what has happened to us?

It’s been out a job since March.

For yours maybe. I reckon I have drunk more since lockdown.


Drinking yourself is shite haha its more a social thing. I still drink beer every weekend but not as much and not as often. It’s like football without fans. It’s just not the same :slightly_frowning_face:

That first night back out when ever it will be it’s gonna be wild. I can’t wait to experience the hangover again it’s gonna be glorious :heart_eyes: