The randomly nothing thread

This is like when when Wenger was sacked.


Nah we all wanted Wenger sacked. No one really wanted this.


In that way yes but I was meaning that itā€™s been coming for a long time and its the end of an arsenal (OA) legend haha


Personally I found his attention seeking a bit grating.


Luca showed heā€™s capable of being a reasonable member over at RedCafe but didnā€™t seem to want to extend the same courtesy to us at OA. Nobody wanted to see him banned but itā€™s a consequences of years of BS from racism to insulting other members.


Take care Luca. Nice that so many posters will miss you here.


Yeah that was eye opening to me as well. He got away with murder over here because you guys were easy on him and we enjoyed his insane rants. Honestly tho it was getting kinda old and he was constantly pushing the envelope Iā€™m not surprised one bit at the decision made, he left u guys with no options really. Bummer but maybe heā€™ll learn a lesson from this.


Awww that is a shame, Iā€™ll definitely miss him as well. And his holiday pics!

Such a character, shame he fucked it for himself.


Yep, all the best Luca mate. Will miss your dedication to uploading highlights of all the goals across the leagues for certain and your unique characteristic posts.

Iā€™m certain youā€™re reading all these posts so all these responses pretty much signify better than I can articulate what you brought to this forum. Just a shame you pushed your limits at times which resulted to this

Iā€™m not sure he ever really will. Heā€™s been banned so many times on other Forums for similar behaviour. I made a post a while back about stereotypical Italian behaviour and he just fit the criteria for it. Itā€™s just the way he is and how heā€™s wired. Itā€™s total excess with Luca, nothing was ever done in moderation lol.

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True mystyLAD haha

Your post before the edit was better :wink:

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Better? :wink:

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Much better! :grin::grin:

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I think itā€™s true to a certain extent because heā€™s emotional, but he walks on egg shells over at red cafe. To me it kinda felt like a slap in the face to the mods here cuz he wasnā€™t respecting our site when itā€™s clear heā€™s got the self control to do so.

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He clearly thought like Wenger that he was the club (forum) and he was unsackable (unbannable)


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Heā€™s been banned about 20 times so I donā€™t think he did think that. :smile:

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Well according to his user card heā€™ll be allowed back in the year 3019 soā€¦

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Not much will have changed but weā€™ll live underwater.

I hope you get this :grimacing:


Itā€™ll make for an interesting episode of Futurama. (RIP Futurama :santi: )