The randomly nothing thread

Went to see the Green Day musical american idiot Saturday. Basically that album set to choreography.
Found it really entertaining and with some reworking of the songs with female vocals added gave it a different slant at times.
The album was a great conceptual record and this production puts it into a visual perspective. Well worth a watch at just over an hour and a half.

Is this not just how (lots of) American kids get into college? @BigWeng_4LYFE @Joshua

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If you have a perfect 4.0 average meaning straight Aā€™s, and ur just a random kid, no you probably wonā€™t get into one of these big name schools. You have to have really high scores and be exceptional to get into a school like Stanford. These celebrity kids, are not the type to get into schools like this under their own volition. One of the kids involved in this is a famous YouTube vlogger person, and upon admission had a rant to the effect of ā€œI got into USC, and I donā€™t really wanna go but I do want to experience the party sceneā€ :joy::joy: Places like University of Socal are were all all the celebrities want their kids to go, itā€™s a status thing.


Funny thing about this is this scandal was found out about in an investigation for something else.

Kinda surprised we donā€™t seem to have a Science/Tech related thread on OA yet. Would you guys want a dedicated thread for this sorta thing and other technological chatter?

I made one. No one was interested :angry:

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This one @Trion?

Maybe we could adapt it for wider use and see how it goes :slight_smile:

Edit: All done.

Nah, make a new thread. That was just for courses as such

This site will not be the same. :papa:


Bye Luca :sob: this cocky scot will miss the banter I had with him


Iā€™ll miss him a lot as well, but I understand this.


Fucking annoying how he couldnā€™t just reign it in a bit. Heā€™s had way more chances than he would have gotten anywhere else to change so can understand the decision but gutted not gonna lie. He was a massive part of this forum


I will miss Luca too.

That said this may be blessing in disguise. Luca, for all the value he brings with his updates, is borderline obsessed with the game.

Since he is banned from 3 big forums, he wonā€™t get the validation his posting brings him and perhaps he will no longer spend unhealthy amount of time for football.


gonna miss all those free likes just for saying something unspectacular good guy in general seemed a top bloke but just too much to stay its a great shame i genuinely liked him.


Iā€™ll miss him and he ainā€™t done nothing to me, but he couldnā€™t just move away from the screen when he got tad bit more upset than usual. The mods tried their best to make it work.


Yeah itā€™s a big shame and weā€™ll have to find our own goal clips now :santi:

But it is understandable, as has been pointed out he had many warnings. His meltdowns and post after post of him calling everyone a c*** were very childish and got boring fast.


Heā€™s on Redcafe. Posted this morning.

Sigh. How come he survives there?

We need someone to replace him.

I propose @Persona


It is going to be strange, We all know deep down heā€™s a good guy and very unique character. I imagine even more so for those who have been on OA basically the same time as him and havenā€™t experience no Luca on OA.

No doubt itā€™s quite a void to fill and itā€™ll take quite sometime to get used to him not being around anymore. But you never know what members might join up, or return further down the line on OA to join in the fun. Itā€™s has had some pretty sizeable characters come and go over the years, but the Forum keeps on going and itā€™ll do so in the future.

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