The Labour Party

The 2019 position on Brexit to my understanding was a compromise with the PLP though, no?

It’s not what he personally thought was best, like in 2017 which meant he didn’t lose too many votes.

True, Red wall MPs were mostly remainers and ignored their constituents

I don’t recall Corbyn ever being hugely pro EU tbh

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It’s not overblown. The media hatchet job has been obvious and it was constant. The billionaire media owners will always attack the further left wing party.

Corbyn wanted Brexit but the party wanted to block it. I’d put drop off on the Brexit issue and Labour being seen as the Brexit blockers. There were enough Labour Brexit voters come over to give Boris his landslide.

In his first GE, he energised voters who didn’t usually vote

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Corbyn got absolutely blasted for being more of a Eurosceptic than the PLP. They blamed him for remain losing.

It’s why Owen Smith did the challenge more than anything.

Finally after bombarding him to make party policy more Pro-EU for 3 years, he relented and that did play a part in the humping in 2019.

Along with his personal unpopularity as well as you say

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He wasn’t. You only have to listen to what old school lefties think of the EU to see this. Corbyn and people like Tony Benn were against EU membership from the beginning.

I’m not saying his coverage and portrayal in print media wasn’t constant and frivolous but I question its impact on his performance in 2019.

The losses in red wall areas alone are clearly tied to the Labour’s position on Brexit rather than the crap you saw in print media, Corbyn isn’t leader any more and Tories are still making gains in those surrounding areas based off Brexit and a populist agenda.

If you want to argue print media manipulated the public discourse on the EU over decades to encourage euroscepticism that’s a different discussion

True but the version of Brexit Corbyn wanted was softer than what May presented and we saw what happened to her. His policy was basically EU membership lite that retained FoM

This is my main reading on this by-election.

Starmer’s authoritarian and over-policing of political adversaries in his own party over anti-Semitism, and also appearing soft on the Kashmir issue has pissed off a big bloc of his voters in the north.

And now he may lose what was a strong labour seat.

Looks like these labour clowns will blame the voters.

When their ‘winning strategy’ seems to be in targeting these types:

Imagine losing votes to George Galloway, how far have you sunk.

She’s written a book too. Telling White woman about how racist they are.


You have to ask why in the past 42 years, Labour has only been in power when it kissed Rupert Murdoch’s hand and promised to deliver the most big business friendly government in history

Agreed that the media also sold the Brexit dream for decades of EU smearing.

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From what I can gather she’s American

Never mind, Labour have held the seat.

Good job I guess.

Does look like Tory momentum is stalling a little bit.

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They only won by 323 votes. But not because The Tories performed well. The Tories have underperformed their prior 2 general elections in terms of percent of the vote. The issue Labour had was George Galloway split the Labour vote with his British Worker’s Party. Historically Galloway has ran on Muslim friendly rhetoric, for instance, Free Palestine.

This is actually Jo Cox’s prior seat and her sister won it this year.

The whole thing is dumb. If they’d lost those extra 300 votes what changes? Having one more or less MP in parliament means nothing to either side, and the results of an election with no purpose means nothing.

If you want to believe the outcome of this by election is a significant story then the result as it is is just as significant. 8k votes lost to a “fuck Labour” party isn’t really a great deal less meaningful than 8.3k votes lost to a fuck Labour party.

If you believe this was important as some kind of Starmer referendum I don’t really see how those 300 votes are now some rousing endorsement of him.


It’s probably just important for Starmer. A defeat probably makes his leadership impossible.

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The labor party really don’t want Muslims to vote for them it looks like.

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What did Trevor Phillips do I remember watching a interview with him seems ok guy

So pathetic

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He is right for once backing both stance is not contradictory to each other. House rules are you can’t call another politician a liar and she refused to take it back so she had to be ejected as part of the rules. And he can say he stands behind her as her leader. In this situation it’s not either or. It would of been better if she came out with a list of stuff and pointed them out and said “You mister prime minister have mislead this nations people time and time again. You told the people a, b, c and d but did you deliver on any of these? No! Over and over this Tory government has promised the people of this nation prosperity and bliss. But in reality this government just enriched the few and left the people of this nation to suffer with nothing!” But like most labour politician these days she just made a spectacle chasing internet clout with no substance


On both sides, I’m surprised people still entertain political theater and cheap stuns.

That’s dawn butlers career isn’t it