The Labour Party

So what if it was legal? People are asked for a vote they vote, because a certain posh demographic didn’t get their own way they should re do the vote until its the “correct” one?

Yea it’s definitely legal, it’s nothing more than a political position, the opposite of what the government want being promoted by the opposition. Ultimately meaningless and as you say did them no favours.

It’s a very interesting insight into the mentality and priorities of the electorate in a place like Hartlepool that they could ever vote for the Tories.

Even I have underestimated “red wall” voters commitment to Brexit above all else. Whether you agree or not, Tories clocked early and have been reaping the electoral rewards since 2015 despite so so domestic policy/performance.

I try and put myself in their shoes but I just can’t relate. These people feel very very strongly about Brexit

When you’ve been lied to about the EU for over three decades, it’s really no surprise that people feel strongly about it.


Keir Starmer is just not it.

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It’s probably a combination of Brexit and Labour’s apparent siding with this new Woke Cancel culture that everyone fucking despises. Not saying they do as a party but certain high profile members have said some stupid shit. Noones voting for actual politics here as Keir hasn’t said a word about what Labour actually stands for and Boris is a twat.

Working class people deal with the influx of Eastern Europeans, see it at labouring jobs, sites etc and it’s not " well it’s because British people are lazy," it’s because they have about 14 of them in a house because they’re not here permanently and charge about £3.50 for a 100 quid job (exaggerated example) which isn’t a way of life here but they send it home and its alot to ther families. And they just swap these guys out every year and it’s a cycle.


One of the key issues working class people cite is unprecedented immigration. Immigrants from poorer EU countries and asylum seekers get dumped in the most deprived areas of the country, which are traditional Labour districts. Because these people tend to be from more deprived countries, they disproporionately have more anti social habits or backward ways. Such is the complaints I’ve personally heard.

Not only that but immigration supresses wages in these already run down parts of the country because of more competition for jobs. People also believe they’re losing their sense of community and identity.

In 1997 Labour moved to the centre and had less issues. They kept their working class vote but also won over the middle classes. The thing is for a long term very little of their policies have been about helping the working classes on a day to day basis. So those voters who traditionally voted Labour simply moved over to the more Brexit party.

Ironically The Tories brought us into the EU and Labour’s traditional position was to be anti Brexit


In regards to Hartlepool, maybe the Labour candidate in question just sucks?

Labour centrists wanted them to support a people’s vote.

Say what you will about 2019 and Corbyn, what did them most of all was coming out for a people’s vote.

Corybn knew that was a terrible idea. The centrists haded him for not doing it initially, got their way and then the predictable result.

And as @SpankyJoyJoy says, this woke shite is such a distraction and turns so many people off.

Labour allowed the destruction of their foundations though - trade unions, lack of press reform, no shoring up of communities, no electoral reform. All of this have led to them now being a mess that will never win again unless another huge event happens like the breakup of the union.

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Good sum up. Definitely doesn’t help having a leader who tried to ‘undemocratically’ scupper Brexit, at least from their perspective. He’s tried to go against the woke grain but only by obvious gimmick which feels false - the flags, the pints etc. No policies. Nothing remotely about him to connect to working class people. And on top he’s pissed off the left as well. The big issue for me is that people just don’t trust Labour on cultural matters and until that changes who listens to the economics, even Jezza, who had an economic vision, couldn’t overcome that sense of not trusting Labour.


So are people there just dumb or are they racist and hide it behind “economic anxiety”?

I think people just believe what they read. And if you’re a Mail or Express reader, you’ve been dining on a diet of bollocks about the EU since the 80’s.


My brother just summed up Labour’s messaging like this: hey racist, bigot gammon dumb cunt. You’re an idiot. we listen and care. vote labour. lol.


It’s near-impossible for Starmer to connect to the working class, when he became Labour Leader he immediately got critiqued for his lawyer background, people have already made up their minds on him. In terms of representation the mans a poor choice.


Well if you have a population who don’t get angry about PPE cronyism on the scale reported your in a tough spot.
If all your going too do when things like this and Grenfell disasters etc is ask for public enquiries as your policy and perform 30 minutes of gesticulating at PMQ once a week your not moving anybody in a significant way to take notice.


Labour could have the actual resurrected Jesus Christ as their leader and English Christians would help return a Tory majority with 40% of the vote.

Labour are just fucked. England has moved away from them. So has Scotland.

They’re being pulled apart at the seams like those stretchy machines in films that pull your arms and legs apart.

They are slowly going the way of the Lib Dems and will be slightly bigger version of that.

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Yep, it’s a tough ask for Sir Keir this.

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I don’t see the problem with that.

@RockyMaivia do you know who’d be next up if the KS is given the boot? Is that even a possibility?

And Boris de Pfeffel Johnson can?

In order to win you need to have an effective policy backed by strong messagaging. The battle isn’t really about personality, you actually have to show the electorate you’re listening, this is where Labour went wrong on Brexit

The media bias doesn’t help either.

We all know about the papers but the BBC are now essentially a Pravda for the Tory party.

Labour can’t do anything to attack this shit government without it backfiring.

And then labor code to emphasise those policies or have those policies most unpalatable to these kinds of voters e.g. strong identity politics that also turns people off.