General News

All culture appropriates. Totally normal and good. Anyone calling it bad or racist is a complete twat. I bet there isn’t a single article of clothing, one thing we eat, or one thing we enjoy for entertainment which doesn’t contain elements of appropriation in it.


The economics of being down

Just shorten it to “kidha”

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I know a lot of you don’t like the BBC but they’re going in hard on Russia and Russian adventurism with their blazen attacks on civilians in Britain and political opponents in Russia.

Great to see, have the Chairmen of a Security Select Committee on who’s laying into Russia as well. Love it!!

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Speaking of the BBC…

In reply to your point. Well done to them. I hope we can now also praise RT when they shine a light on corruption in the UK.

Both becoming increasingly indistinguishable from one another


He can go stuff himself with the rough end of a pineapple. Comedians evolved from a long line of court jesters - those who could mock the powers that were of their day. So what’s this thin-skinned twat blathering on about? Fucking bloated snowflake.

Sorry mate, but public figures, especially those on the public payroll, are fair game for mockery. You don’t like it? There’s an on/off button on your remote.


What the actual f*ck? Well he’s asking for it now, playing into the comedians hands…

Nice Twin Peaks reference.

Still trying to wrap my head around it halfway through season 1 haha

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Haha. Yeah I love that series. I really hope they plan for another season, even though they said the third a couple of years ago was the final one. It’s like Riket, no real ending (because half of the main cast died irl) but still awesome!

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I just read about Zahid Younis on the BBC news website.

Made me sick to the core. Ashamed that a fellow man could act like this. So sad for the young women he raped, abused and murdered. All someone’s daughters and sisters.

Really horrific man and really horrific the English legal system didn’t take him off the streets much sooner. Shameful.

Nice to see you back, mate


The level of violence directed towards female victims by male perpetrators is truly disturbing. It’s one of those areas where most people don’t really understand the depths of abuse and how serious the issue is.


Couldn’t agree more. Hate the idea that my daughters live in a world where some men act like this and are allowed to get away with it by a flimsy legal system not designed to handle these monsters the way they should be.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Black Lives Matter Movement

So what’s the status re this guy who stabbed all those people in Birmingham? Literally all I’ve heard about this is the mans name. People seem to think he was Somalian but has that been confirmed? What’s his legal status, i.e. British born or immigrant or asylum seeker? The BBC reported that he prayed before the attack then took it down and said sorry, do we have any idea of motive? Lots of people reported that he targeted people from Birmingham’s gay village but then they went quiet on that. I’ve got to say I find it a bit odd how little this is being talked about. Is that because he is a suspect and not yet guilty? Or is it because I don’t watch TV and am just missing the conversation?

What the fuck. Death Penalty should be brought back for sick cunts like this.

Sick is the operative word here.

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The woman picked him up as she was so worried by his mental health, he then preceded to burn her alive and almost set fire to himself he had 50% burns and laugh.

I dont think he was okay at all and whoever allowed the release and whoever let him get to that state with no help when he was inside are the ones at fault here…massive incompetence. He shouldn’t be allowed out with the public for the rest of his life, as should be before he committed this act

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