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I agree, the bigger question is why he was released in the first place.

Now that’s a fine


Yes but I still I feel like if you and a bunch of like minded spawn concoct a method to knowingly cheat on how much you can damage the world wide ecosystem to make more billionz, a fee isn’t the right type of punishment.

Just imagine where you are in life when that’s what you’re knowingly doing at work day in and out. Trying to figure out more effective ways to shit more where other people of future generations sleep.

Here I like the North Korean approach of public execution instead. tar, feathers, a live band perhaps.


That fine is nothing. It’s calculated risk.

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Meanwhile, Qantas is offering flights to nowhere. How’s that for the environment? And why would anyone want to fly for 7 hours to only return home. No thanks. I get that airlines have been hit hard, but this is pointless pollution.


And that price!

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Presumably you’d have to wear a facial mask for that duration too which can’t be comfortable. Bonkers on so many levels.

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If the fine is less than the profit generated then I see that as a cost than a fine

The worst thing about going to another country is the flight to get there. Fuck me people are weird.


Tell me about it.

Last time I sat on a plane, they put me next to an Irishman who kept going on about his dog and how many marathons he’d run, chiming in with a sarky comment now and again.

The longest flight to Paris I’ve ever been on


Sounds like a man with a richly rewarding life. You were probably jealous.


Not particularly.

I was going for my last tango.

Most soft drinks taste the same too me tbh.

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Not a fan(ta), then?


I have been reading up and History is filled with such weird connections.

Paul dacre head of ofcom I’m hearing. This country stinks of shit.

Paul Dacre looks set to become the Head of Ofcom. In other news, sources suggest that Harold Shipman is being lined up to become Head of the Care Quality Commission


If Harold Shipman was a Tory donor it would 100% happen

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