Super Mik Arteta

Underrated point there good sir

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This was an April fools joke tweet but so many arsenal fans bit lol :fishing_pole_and_fish::fishing_pole_and_fish:

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What a man. Took a broken, toxic, old and dysfunctional team to a world class machine. To challenge for a title once can maybe be a fluke. But to do it the season after again, means we are the business. By keeping Arteta at the carpet we will be sure to be an elite club and challenging for the top trophies for years to come. he is THAT good.


Pep’s cone boy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Them good old times in 2020 and 2021. Peps cone boi, Tapas Pulis, Osama Bin Arteta, sociopath and racist. It was peak.


just want to know if he mentioned Salt Bae in the video or not :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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He did not but the interviewer did.

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Tapas Pulis??? :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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New long term contract required by the end of the season, and for Edu too!

Arteta can create a dynasty at this club that exceeds what Wenger achieved. So proud to have been one of the few that backed him early on… :heart:


Arteta has completely transformed the club. Unbelievable.

I’m part of the Emirates era - and I don’t recall us being this good offensively and defensively. 07/08 season Arsenal were technically unbelievable but defensively and depth wise extremely fragile.

The current team on the other hand can do it ALL. High press. Low block. Long balls. Intricate passing. Set pieces. You name it… We can do it all.

You know the team has hit different levels when likes of Zinny/Jesus look out of place in the side.


Absolutely fogging fantastic!

Never thought I’d say this, but it definitely seems like we’re more dangerous without the ball than with it :rofl:

Its funny looking back 4 years ago at the socially distanced pundits :joy:


I remember this interview. None of the ‘big’ pundits could recognise what Arteta was seeking to do at Arsenal.

But coaches could


I’m not sure how good Roy Keane was as a leader tbh. At the very least he was a tad overrated. I know this is a controversial take as for years we’ve been told he was one of if not the best captain.

For that United team his leadership style worked. Culturally it worked as you had players like Giggs, Neville, Beckham, Scholes who bled red. Ferguson set the tone.

The minute United stopped winning in 2002-2005 period, he could not adapt his style. And his career as a manager and pundit you see there’s no change up in terms of style.


Is there any ex Fergi player that is not bad as a pundit?

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Gary Neville is a twat