Pre-2000s Football

Romario showing you never lose it

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Italy had a few decent keepers in the 90s


Pagliuca and Peruzzi looking like they came straight out a 70s mafia film or something

Can still remember Pagliuca kissing the post in the World Cup final.



Didn’t know Ayala played for Milan :martinelli:


The game wasn’t too bad either.


Some random game… :xhaka:

A very interesting documentary, I’ve seen a long time ago on TV, got uploaded on YT. A bit unusual considering it’s mostly an Arsenal related channel. The author did the english subtitles himself.

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The best Brazilian free kick taker no one knows about (outside South America).

Saw his name being mentione often among Brazilians when talking about great free kick takers. Most rate him above Juninho. I’d agree, he’s definitels more complete if anything.
And you can also see he uses that knuckleball technique already in the 90s, so it wasn’t Juninho who invented it :slightly_smiling_face:

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I think without the injuries he would have gone on to be the best CB ever

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Way too much talent on one pitch at the same time… :xhaka: (withouth Roberto Baggio, Rivaldo… :grimacing: )

The way Ronaldo creates that space against Costacuta and Cannavaro (I think) and sends Pagliuca the wrong way, as if it was on training. He was just too much.


His debut. What a great player to watch. Only a teenager

PSV signing Romario and Ronaldo, that just seems unthinkable now.


Fuck we need deadly finishers again, so many forwards would fluff that first goal it’s not even funny.

Completely different era of the game it’s truly a beautiful era.

Milan-Benfica (89-90)
Red Star Belgrade-Marseille (90-91)
Barcelona-Sampdoria (91-92)
Marseille-Milan (92-93)
Milan-Barcelona (93-94)
Ajax-Milan (94-95)
Juventus-Ajax (95-96)
Dortmund-Juventus (96-97)
Real Madrid-Juventus (97-98)
Manchester United-Bayern Munich (98/99)
Real Madrid-Valencia (99/00)

Look at the CL finals from 1990-2000.

Completely different sport. So many great teams at the top of European football made for a much more competitive sport.

Check the quality of competition in the UEFA Cup alone before it became a truly second rate competition in light of the over saturation of the CL:

Juventus-Fiorentina (89-90)
Inter Milan-Roma (90-91)
Torino-Ajax (91-92)
Juventus-Dortmund (92-93)
Inter Milan-Salzburg (93-94)
Parma-Juventus (94-95)
Bayern Munich-Bordeaux (95-96)
Schalke-Inter Milan (96-97)
Inter Milan-Lazio (97-98)
Parma-Marseille (98-99)
Arsenal-Galatasaray (99-00)


Yep. His all round game was revolutionary but he was still fundamentally an amazing finisher with incredible instincts. When he returned from the two knee injuries he redeveloped his style and was still the best pure striker in the world when he came back

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It’s gonna be a long time when Italian clubs dominate European football again :sleepy:

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