Pre-2000s Football

Seaman was better than almost any GK in Europe and although Lehman was also great, he did lack the consistency that Seaman had.

But certainly him and Schmeichel were the elite GK’s in Europe.


Cech and van der Sar aren’t as good as Seaman. I think they’re in this argument because of what they’ve won (a little like Jens)

The unfortunate thing with Seaman is people remember two big mistakes from 2 high profile games- Zaragoza in 95 and Brazil in 02. People will often forget, however, just how good Seaman was in those two seasons alone (irrespective of the rest of his career). His performance against Auxerre away in the run up to the final in 95 was exemplary, for example. I still think that it was between that and Liverpool away in 91 as his finest performances. In 02, it still went to show how good his experience was against mistake-laden Stuart Taylor and Richard Wright. When Seaman was between the sticks, it was no nonsense that season.

You can flank this argument with other stellar performances- Euro 96, only 17 goals conceded in 1999 and that save against Sheff Utd in 2003. Proves he wasn’t just a flash in the pan.

As @InvincibleDB10 says, it’s only really between him and Schmeichel. A lot would say Schmeichel was better, but I’d put Seaman ahead.

(We’ll leave the Mr Arsenal argument for another day :wink:)


Thanks for your input, David
I knew Seaman was good, just didn’t know how good.


Safe hands made the game look very easy . He did however have possibly the greatest back four in front of him . He was very calm and collected but he certainly had a mistake or two in him . Normally very high profile ones .
Mad Jens was another very good keeper . His running feud wilts Oliver Kahn is well documented. Jens had a very good presence about his playing ability.

I’d say they’d only 25% difference between the two .
Im going to say David Seaman for me . George Graham said ‘ he’s the best’ so that’s good enough for me .

YouTube is your friend on this question.
Look for Jens and some of his antics . Fudge me that boy is a nutcase .
He could start a fight in a phone box .


Another keeper who was better than all those mentioned oh here in recent posts is
Neville Southall .
Possibly the greatest keeper ……….?
If you saw him now you wouldn’t think it .
You could keep for running around him.
Again , YouTube is your friend on this .
Wonderful keeper .

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Thanks for thd input, guys

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No VAR needed for many of these!

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You had kids up and down the country attempting this in the aftermath. Absolutely ridiculous he managed to pull if off in such style.


Becks was so underrated, especially his time at Real.
When the team had Zidane and Roberto Carlos and Becks still had his shares to take the freekick, he was just GOOD.

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I know it’s been said many times about Paolo Maldini but this really puts it into perspective.

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Even better than the second one I think :wink:


Wasn’t the greatest of tournaments but had some great players, I wonder how much they’d be worth compared with today’s “top” talents


How has that image not included Baggio? lol


Maybe this list is better

Or this one :bergkamp:

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Maybe it was just a poor boy who was showing his small sticker collection, I mean where’s Ray Houghton?

It’s hard to argue against this team, I’ve only seen Maradona and Platini play.But I’m really into the history of football and I know there’s many who could seemingly take the place of anyone in this team, so I’ve come up with my own subs bench.
Only players who played in the 20th century.

George Best
Gerd Muller
Ferenc Puskas
Pat Jennings
Gigi Riva
Gianni Rivera
Jimmy Greaves


Surely Maldini should have a place in that team, no?

Maybe Lothar Mathaus deserves a shout on the bench too, Van Basten etc.