Phones Thread

This was my first mobile phone

before I got this

I loved the sony Walkman mobile it was a great littil phone

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For sure. Really ergonomically pleasing too.

Pretty sure I changed it cos I broke the camera slider from playing with it all the time… almost certainly what happened to the phone in the third pic too. :joy:


This was my dad’s first phone. At the time he had it he worked in security on the money vans. On one day he was put on the larger truck that delivered all the coins to the various banks and when getting out of the truck the phone slipped out of his pocket and he didn’t cop it. Truck takes off to park up, runs over his phone. The fucking thing could still make and receive calls!


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Its totally impractical and I’ll obviously never do it, but part of me really wants that phone again.

My iPhone gets very hot
Can anyone shed a light on this ? I’m reluctant to get a new phone as I’ve forgotten most of my passwords!
Help all :woozy_face::woozy_face:

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Probably some background apps running you need to shut down. Not sure how you do that on an iPhone. Can sometimes indicate a battery problem too.

If you have an apple store/retailer near you they can probably help you make sure all your passwords are saved and available if you do end up needing a new phone.


Also, go to Settings > Battery > Battery life/condition

It will give you a percentage of the battery capacity, if it’s low it might be why it’s getting hot too.

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I just upgraded from my 3 year old tiny little iPhone SE to an iPhone 11 Pro and there’s quite a lot to get used to.

Mostly just the size and the weight difference, but I don’t make as many typos anymore as the screen and keyboard are so much bigger.

The biggest differentiator for me though is the FaceID which is super and the camera is absolutely banging. The difference in quality between the pictures I take now and used to take as well as the quality of images on this screen compared to my old one is crazy. My Instagram user experience has massively upgraded.

I’ve got nothing but love for my SE though. That thing was the 3310 of smartphones. After 3 years it still had a solid battery life that would the whole day if I didn’t overuse it and over the 3 years I dropped that thing more than I could remember. It was dinged, bent, chipped but the screen never shattered or broke and it was always kept on trucking.

I was so tempted to get the new iPhone SE but felt like it wouldn’t live up to its predecessor.


Thank you , very interesting :+1:t2:


I will do that .
Again very helpful :+1:t2:

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Upgraded a couple of weeks ago too, stunning camera. The portrait mode is awesome, it blurs the background really well and takes such a clean shot of the person.

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Or dog




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That really is a fantastic camera, really highlights just how ugly your dog is



Now that’s a backhanded compliment

Almost all of it’s backside is blurred ffs, how’s that a good picture?! And the smudging around the edges. Blrgh.

That kind of bukeh quality has been about for 2.5 years since the pixel and they don’t seem to have made any steps forward.

To be fair I think portrait mode is generally meant for a persons face and not a weird little weasel dogs body which may play a part.

Your dog looks like its telling me to go back to my country


“Yeah I know you’re from London but where are you from originally?”


I just got myself a One Plus Nord. Holy fuck it is a serious upgrade on the Huawei I had up to now. Just a touch over €400 but I definitely think it’s gonna prove worth it.