Ivan Toney

This. Social media is horrendous. Needs stopping and starting again when it gets some guidelines.
Try suggesting that and all those who outraged about all this shit, suddenly go quiet.
Criminal activity in all forms has gotten worse because of it.

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Well done Toney. Out that fucking rat.

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Awful response from Meta

They would need an army of staff to moderate that site properly.

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Pathetic. No abuse is okay, but I guarantee that if a famous person from another minority (I’m not talking ethnic) group went through something similar - more severe action would be taken.

These celebrities should continue to post the accounts of the people doing this and allow the social media community to deal with the issue.

Or just clamp down a bit to lessen the need for so many staff to police abuse.

Impossible. There’s just way too much too moderate. That’s why they have automated systems do most of the work.

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Cyber bullying in all shapes and forms happens everyday.
It’s a monster that’s too fucking big to control. Social media and the web in general was set up and released without this being given any due diligence.
Greed over substance and now it’s too late. Unless a proper campaign of coming off it is promoted, nothing changes.

I completely see that it’s a huge task with hundreds of millions of users and tens of millions of trolls, but if there is no punishment, you are simply encouraging the situation.

I’m not just hot on this because it is racial abuse by the way. Just think there is not enough of a deterrent for those abusing others online. This isn’t a lost teenager, it’s a grown ass man.

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Yeah it’s just SoMe in general, it’s horrific.

Should have seen the awful abuse Joachim Andersen got after he wound up Nunez, some proper nasty stuff in there.

So many sad losers out there.


Living in very desensitised times. Life never been cheaper on the streets.
Kids and people carrying knives and willing to use them on very little reasoning, not going to think twice of posting shit on a screen.


Just go onto a dodgy football stream, and if it has a chat box, you’ll see the most vile shit :slight_smile:


Even with knife crime, it isn’t condemned enough by those in the community imo. I can’t speak for say Glasgow which had a huge knife crime problem, but many people turned a blind eye to what is happening.

When nothing gets done or said to condemn shit behaviour, uptake will increase.

The Joachim Anderson stuff was disgusting. Hell, the Xhaka abuse was disgusting. You can’t do it all the time, but arguably Arsenal FC should have intervened if indeed it was an actual fan abusing Xhaka’s family. Name, shame, ban. It would deter a few others.

I’ve read that Glasgow has really turned it around, and the mayor of London was going to use it as an example of how London can improve

Pfft sadic khan is making London worse with his shit policies.

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Haha that’s too true. He’s a vile bastard.

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From my understanding, more severe punishments were given for carrying a knife and although not overnight, knife incidences dropped significantly.

Glasgow used to be the knife crime capital of Europe.

Im not suggesting that I have a solution for eradicating online abuse, but surely these platforms have to be doing more.

Not that I would do this, but I guarantee if I were to go online today and abuse a certain group of people with huge financial power worldwide or if I were to go after the community that Dave Chappelle received flak from, I’d be banned from social media and be jobless by the end of the month and rightly so.


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He’ll have to stick to having a kickabout with the lads now, then

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