Investments (Stonks)

They have a UK site so I’m guessing so



0.5cent for a transaction (in Holland I don’t know if it’s different for UK)

Doesn’t her cheaper than that


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Nice, are there any limitations then?

What do you mean by that?

You can buy and sell on nasdaq and nsye and many other stock exchanges

You won’t be able to do options on nasdaq or nsye

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I don’t know, wondered if there was any drawbacks to it, slightly regretting being solely on HL right now that’s all haha

Degiro is cheap but you pay tax on gains.

IG offer a tax free ISA which means all gains are not taxed.

If you wanna day trade, IG is best as they have loads of shares and and very cheap (relatively) commission fees on share trades but you pay a monthly or quarterly fee for your account.

HL is more pricey per trade but no quarterly or annual fees and their app is super, very intuitive and user friendly.

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What’s IG mate?


Yeah @Cristo can better explain the drawbacks as this tax thing on gains is not applicable to Dutch traders (up to a certain figure - 40k).

Ark invested in Roblox, might be a legitimate earner.

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Oh wow straight off the bat.

Jesus yeah, doubled in price at pre market.

Stonks are like crypto these days. Over are the days of +10% a year. It’s now 100% up and back down 100% and back up 80% in a day. :ozil:


Nok signed a contract- patent licence pact- with Samsung today along with some expanse to Korea with its 5G network. For once it’s not actually eating shit after good news



The Samsung acquisition is coming :pray:


Nice news for Nokia there @Castiel

Always thought it was weird that Nokia was so low despite signing contract after contract for 5G roll outs.

Also Palantir up $1.6 today, come on baby

You still holding BB man? It’s showing some life in the old dog this afternoon.

No I’m not, but nice to see it moving again.

It’s in my watch list, might jump in again at some point in the near future.

I’m pretty heavily exposed to Palantir atm so I’m sticking with that fir the time being

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Haha I should have known. I’ll ask you about PLTR in a fortnight and you’ll be on to something new and shiney.


I got out of Blackberry weeks ago before it completely collapsed and took a £800 profit so I can’t complain. Been in Palantir since November and that won’t be changing any time soon. I’m actually down £600 on Palantir currently haha