Investments (Stonks)

Yeh man the prices are like the perfect entry points, I’m going to wait till Monday though as I see a lot of things even beginning to recover a tiny bit.

I’ll see what next week brings. I averaged down on BB a little yesterday and it’s continued to dip so I’ll just stand back and watch for a bit.

Yeah same here, I thought 1500p was a good entry point for Blue Prism and then it carried on too 1250p :joy: Glad I held off.

Same goes for Orsted, though 1200 was a good entry point and it’s made it down to 900.

I’m gonna do the same and hold off for another day or two but there’s some bargains available. I may average down on my Palantir holdings.

Days like this make me wish I leaned more into crypto’s only things that see the colour green at the moment for me. Terribly ironic really.

I was thinking about buying some BTC on Kraken the other day and then I saw that the only way to fund my account was with an old fashioned wire transfer, literally emailing my bank with the details etc.

Noped right out there and then, that’s fucking hassle if I’ve gotta do that every time I want to fund my account. mate

On another note: anyone else bleeding last 2 weeks? What a bloodbath on the stock exchanges


Yeah it’s been an absolute abattoir in regards to tech and growth stocks for like 3-4 weeks now.

Inflation worries have investors running from growth stocks over to more defensive stocks like utilities or stocks that can benefit from inflationary prices.


I was planning to buy a little today but honestly feels like the trend will just keep going down. Don’t feel confident at all and don’t want to buy in just to see my prices tank all week.

Yeah I’ve had some cash I’ve been meaning to ingest the last few weeks but I keep putting it off as all the shares I’m looking at just keeping falling and falling.

I’d also rather buy in the early stages of the recovery rather than try and “time the bottom” just for it to keep dipping. That’s the worst.

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Yep, fucking shocking. Gone from making substantial gains to losses.
See it as an opportunity to either cut losses or average down.

I don’t get these investors to be honest?

Why run away? Inflation or not - these stocks they are running away from will bounce back (most of them, perhaps not all, but definitely enough solid ones). Why cut losses at a loss? I am not selling anything, will wait with my scuba gear until it all resurfaces and adding to my positions of high conviction stocks.

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Yeah I’m with you, I think there’s some very good discounts to be had now and they’ll all come back stronger but over an extended timeline.

The problem with this inflation worry is that companies and their shares are basically valued on their profits, earnings, earnings per share etc. and when inflation rises it means that these tech-based growth companies that are yet to turn a profit or show serious gains in their earnings means that their projections become much less attractive because inflation will eat away at their actual earnings and profits. So when inflation projections come out at the highest they’ve been in years, retail and institutional investors flock to shares like Unilever and British gas who can just put up their prices by 5% to out run inflation.

In inflationary conditions, people still need toothpaste and heating for their home so even though they don’t like it they’ll pay the extra 5-10% price hike because they have to. Whereas Apple, for example, sell extremely pricey tech and in a situation where there iPhone sales have been dipping over the last year, the last thing they’ll want to do is increase prices and risking upsetting their customer base. So that means that Apple’s earnings over the next few years will be worth less because they can’t hike up prices and the value of money is lessening at a faster rate. Same goes for companies like Blue Prism and Palantir, while they’re the absolute world leaders in their segments and build incredible technology that will drives us into the future, they aren’t making a profit yet and will be hard pressed to raise their prices when what they need the most is more business.

Also worth remembering that a lot of these institutional investors likely have mandates and policies that mean they have to seek the best returns etc. for their clients which means shifting their portfolios in the direction of the market even if they might not want to. Add to that that a lot of the retail investors will likely be conservative boomer types who will panic and retreat to defensive stocks like FMCG and Utilities in the face of uncertainty, probably because they can’t afford that added risk with a lower risk tolerance and retirement on the horizon.

You and me can take risky decisions because we’re only in our late 20s/early 30s and know that we’ve got the rest of our lives to wait for these shares to come good/earn the money back that we might lose so we have a much larger risk tolerance and appetite.


Jim Cramer does a really good breakdown of it here

I will try watching this clip of him explaining it. But, right off the bat I must admit I really really don’t like Jim Cramer :smiley:

Hahaha yeah WSB absolutely hate him since they think he’s an establishment shill. That may or may not be the case, but it doesn’t make his knowledge any less valuable or good.

I don’t like him, because of last year’s Tesla comments. And how he down talked ARK early and mid-2020. Turns out, Tesla and ARK were right and he was wrong.

But, I don’t deny he is knowledgable in some areas.

I mean, Cathie Wood isn’t having a great year so far :sweat_smile:

But yeah she’ll obviously bounce back eventually, but it was obvious things couldn’t keep going up in this sector like they had done.

What did he say about Tesla?

Gme was
Flying at $200 earlier, “crashing” now down to the 180s I bought in at 40 and was tempted to sell but think I’ll try wait it out see if it goes higher and higher…


Love the optimism! I’d still probably sell while you’re ahead though…

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Nah I believe :joy: plus only put in a month and a half’s wages, easy to just forget about

Fair! Here’s to hoping you land on the :full_moon_with_face:

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