Health and Fitness

He must be on a really good ‘diet’ and a very intense ‘training program’.


Yeah lots of lean horse protein in his diet :joy:


Holy shit.

@SRCJJ what do you suppose the Marvel guys take? Because there’s no way they’re natty. All the boiled chicken breast in the world can’t get you there.

Just like The Rock, they are 100% natty. They tren hard and eat clen. It’s really that easy.

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Is this like when I’d ask a witness if they were clean and they’d say “yes” and I’d ask if they were taking any controlled substances and they’d say “of course, methadone and I smoke weed a few times a day.”


Got back to the gym and had my first traning since almost 12-11 months…

Feels good to be back in the world of bodybilding. :kroenke:

Damn those bars got heavier since the last time, I could swear they changed them. :hipster:


Is there such a thing as being too active? A new David Lloyd gym opened near me. I joined and now addicted to classes on top of callisthenics and weight training. I’m doing 2 classes most day + sauna. And I don’t mean Yoga. Blaze, Battlebox, cardio tennis, padel and then the occasional yoga, Pilates or core strength class. Then kids club in the evening gives me time to hit the sauna as well. Im loving it! But I do wonder I’m on track for injury.

I know DL is expensive and not great for all, but the kids’ clubs are just perfect for weekends and evenings and for family swims!

Also have E-gym here, so getting my stretching in! Although not sure I trust their body analysis. A month before I joined I used Boditrax at my old gym and I was at 23% body fat. This one is say 18.4%. And I’m not as cut as I was the last time I was down in the 18% range when abs were more visible. Of course that was pre-pregnancy.


Short answer- no. Lol.

Keep going. I ran a half marathon for Stroke Awareness a fortnight ago and lack of activity cost me a good finishing time.

If you’re enjoying the classes, continue attending. It’s a good hobby to have as opposed to indulging in chocolate or vegetating in front of Netflix

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It’s always goal dependent. If you have a competitive goal than too much activity can definitely have a negative impact on that. Rest and recovery are outrageously important as is fatigue management / stress management.

But if you’re just training for the sake of just keeping yourself fit and in shape then you’re all good. Although there is an increased risk of injury when we over work muscles and don’t prioritise the rest and recovery element so I would personally try to incorporate at least 2 rest days a week.

I used to train 6 days a week but now I do 4 (sometimes 5) and my body feels so much better and fresher for it too and I steer clear of overworking my muscles now and get the adequate rest and nutrition and it’s improved my look and how I feel so much

Although I do have some Lints salted dark chocolate with a glass of milk every evening and watch Netflix/Prime for a couple hours before bed! I guess I need some rest time somewhere. :grin:

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I do get to work a range of muscles, which is good. Sat/Sun I may get a Blaze class in 1 day but usually it’s just family pool time, so nothing to strenuous.

I do want to be more defined. I now have a physio as having recurring hip issues. Had a pelvic twist. It’s been corrected, but need to do a regimen of isolated core exercises to build my lower abdominals to Alicia the over reliance in my hip flexors. Thankfully none of this has a huge impact on my activity. And I just modify and/or lower weight when needed.

I am loving the sauna time. I’m sure I’ll slow down again when things at work pick up again. It’s been a bit on the slow side, especially as I wait for my new MacBook. I’ll probably be back to once a day + sauna. With an active rest at the weekend.

This is heaven in the winter. So, so good :+1:

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It is. I do jacuzzi, sauna, ice cave. Just wish the ice cave was a bit colder. And we have 2 jacuzzis and saunas. One inside and one outside. The outside sauna is around 80C where the inside one is around 50-60C. I’m so loving it.

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My main issue is now eating enough calories. When burning 2200 calories or more a day, I really struggle to eat enough because I just don’t feel hungry. Going to have to get better with healthy snack prep. Currently taking a cinnamon and raisin bagel with honey, peanut butter and banana with me for post workout snack. Plus adding some collagen protein to my coffee!

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Our gym’s turned off the jacuzzis during the winter months because of the energy crisis. Lame.

With the calorie intake, have you tried that thing wherr you eat the same meals for a week? I’ve read about this and it gives you an idea as to how much you need in terms of calorific intake.

I did that when I was dropping weight at the start. I had like 3-4 meal options that I would switch up between breakfast lunch and dinner. Find it harder when maintaining. The increase in calories burned is quite a bit. I rely on small meals as I really can’t eat most meals over 600 calories as I just feel too full. I had a good snacking routine before I had my son when I burning around the same. Just need to get back to sorting snacks I think. Get Gousto for dinner, so most meals are between 450-600. Going to continue to monitor my body analysis. If I can maintain weight and/or see and increase in muscle mass then I guess I’m doing okay.

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Sharing the journey with my OA people as of this evening I am officially crossing into the dark side and pushing my testosterone to physiological levels.

I had my blood work done and my hormone profile was really good. I have a good and healthy testosterone level but I’ve been training for so many years now I feel I recover worse in my 30s and the progress just slows down dramatically.

As of today I’ll be on 250mg of testosterone which should push me above physiological range. And on top of that, 3iu of growth hormone Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Got a coach guiding me through the process too overlooking my blood work and whatnot. With the aim to compete at the tail end of 2023.

Tagging @Castiel in this one as we spoke about this before


Keep it safe bro :+1:

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Would never try it without an experienced coach guiding me. I have one of the best in the UK who’s worth every penny to help me get fat during this bulk lol


Good luck with it. You’ve been talking about it for a good while now so it’s clearly something you’ve put serious thought into and like you say, you got someone who knows what they are doing watching your back too. Hope it all works out :facepunch:

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