Douglas Luiz

Mid-season? Don’t know. However, Douglas Luiz won’t move to Arsenal in January imo.

He’d be swapping from top to second anyway :grimacing:

I wanna say Andy Cole did something similar but I could be barking up the wrong tree.

Keegan convincing the Barcodes that they’d got a better deal getting Gillespie :laughing:

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I can see it happening in the summer maybe, but never in January.

It is a bit wild that we’re targeting 3 key players of theirs in Watkins, Luiz and Ramsey. Proper disrespect towards them.

He would cost around 80m. Surely not going to come here to sit on the bench.

Why oh why didn’t we just sign him when his contract was running down. Arteta and Edu obviously been high on him for a long time. Very difficult/expensive to get him out of there now.

Tbf to them, Villa were adamant not to sell him both in January and August of 2022.
You could argue it’s because we left it late but did offer them a significant bid at the time for a player in the last year of his deal.

And also, nobody could envision him progressing like he has. Even I as a big fan of his didn’t expect him to improve so much since.

For what is worth though, he still ain’t an 100m for me.

Was convinced he would hold out for a free transfer before the new contract. It’s a shame he didn’t.

Not that bothered, wanted him at the time because Partey was crocked as was Elneny and I like him as a player but he’s getting too much hype now because Villa are performing as a whole, price will be beyond what he’s worth.

Zubi booby is coming home.

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Even though i think Villa won’t last the course no harm in unsettling one of their top performers.

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They might actually get ESR now as part of a buffer.

Douglas Luiz is a massive level below Partey/Rice. Would be the new Elneny.

He’s levels above El Nenny. He isn’t as good as Partey, but Luiz for 90% of a season trumps Partey being fully fit for 30% of one.

We aren’t going to cough up 80m to have adequate cover for Rice.

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Luiz could have kept the transfer fee for himself so should be having a word with his agent about that.

If he’s a Partey replacement then I can see Arteta being interested but for 80m, let Man City, Chelsea or Man U spend the bulk of their budget on him.

Players like Luiz and Toney being talked about as worth 80m is fine, if they’re going to be regular starters and an upgrade on what we have, but they’re not.


The beautiful man is doing the business this season

Favela Gundogan wasn’t such a bad comparison after all.

Btw, he scored again. So it’s now 9.


Funny one Dougie.
Btw, we shall never speak about his form the last couple of months. It happens to the best. We can always blame the other shitty Villa players. All good. :pires2:

What’s the back story to this tweet?

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Douglas Luiz danced a like a twat when he scored an equaliser against Man Utd earlier in the season, thinking the comeback was on.

Man Utd ended up having the last laugh by scoring a late winner.
Villa’s CL hopes looked dusted after that.

Rio mocked him for it.

Dougie didn’t forget about it and months later answered to him once Villa secured a CL spot.