
This guy has been great through the pandemic. He’s kept me sane tbh. I suggest everyone read through his opinion of the data on the covid ‘nu’ strain.


He’s made some very good points during this pandemic. Not that I agree with everything he’s written though. Sad thing however is that he attracts his fair share of anti-vaxers and conspiracy theorists, whom take over the comments section and often completely misunderstand the point he is making.

You will be surprised by how many people live their entire lives with the handbrake on.

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@Stroller knows!


The funny thing about this is, they were only tested positive upon arrival. Due to the news thst broke about about this new strain.

Because they are vaccinated they didn’t need a test before departing.

That’s my whole gripe with this small brain dumbfuckery rules from the government. Test everyone. Otherwise it will keep spreading.


Maybe the article says different but…

That makes no sense, because if they were tested positive beforehand, they wouldn’t be allowed to board and fly.

Does it make sense to you?

Why did they get tested 12 hours later upon arrival for Covid when they were tested prior to boarding?

The whole point to travel vaccinated was also not to be tested. So something and someone here is wrong.

Edit: I read through the article. Allegedly they had to do an antigen test 24h before the flight. Looks to me that antigen tests are a waste of everyone’s time if they didn’t detect Covid in those 61 passengers who 12 hours later were tested positive in Amsterdam.

PCR tests are a much more reliable way to detect Covid.

The gripe with the dysfunctional government implemented rules stands. There is little cohesion consistency and sense in these rules implemented.

Your assumption that they were vaxxed and didn’t require tests is what makes no sense.

If is obviously the key word in you first paragraph there isn’t it?

My understanding of the rules is that travel into the EU is with an EU vax cert or negative test. Obviously lots coming from South Africa won’t have the EU cert and you add in the low uptake there mentioned earlier in the thread and that means vax status is a minor point here.

I understand your point, I’ve agreed with it previously but it seems you’re just wrong on the main problem with these flights. It’s clear the controls in place are not good enough.

This is just one instance. Imagine the reality of thousands of planes that have been carrying infected people all around the globe for the past 18 months. The whole thing is a farce.


Absolutely. Hopefully this is an eye opener.

Let’s do some inductive reasoning here.

The vast majority coming back to Amsterdam, are Dutch and other European citizens on connecting flights. Getting a VISA as a south African native is very difficult especially now, so it’s safe to say it will be mostly Dutch and other northern and Western European citizens on that plane and who are vaccinated.

61 of the 600 were tested positive. The rest was allowed to go home. How many of the 539 other passengers will develop symptoms a few days later? After all they were on the same plane as those infected people with a closed air circulation?

Now let’s reason that of these 539 other passengers 1/4th get sick from Covid as well. Since the majority of people are vaccinated let’s assume the majority of that 1/4th doesn’t feel much and doesn’t realize they carry the virus.

Now these will mostly be the people go about their lives shopping and hugging drinking etc. and thus unknowing even, infecting others.


Can’t say about other countries but itis mandatory to have a test done 48hrs prior to departure here - Domestic or International

I am pretty sure it is the case in other countries as well.

Air travels is lot stricter than road travel.

Lol well done, you found a way to twist it into blaming vaxxed people.


Can’t believe how evil vaccinated people are.


Dear shamrock, I just follow steps and this is the outcome. I genuinely ask you, how do you see it differently?

A) the passenger list will be predominantly European citizens
B) European citizens are predominantly vaccinated
C) vaccinated people exhibit fewer symptoms (I acknowledge here that the vaccine works in that regard), and thus are more likely to unknowingly spread the virus now as they mingle with others.
D) unvaccinated people are certainly tested positive upon arrival if they carry the virus as there is no way to manipulate and falsify official testing on the spot by Dutch government officials (unless you think Dutch government is untrustworthy).

I don’t want to blame vaccinated people per say, I am just following the bread crumbs my hombre. And who I blame most of all are the governments and their ineffective and inconsistent rules.

Let’s follow the process and tell me how it is the fault of unvaccinated people. Please do.

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Why would I do that? I don’t think vaxxed/not vaxxed is the issue the way you do. As I’ve said plenty I agree with you that the policies and enforcement are the problem here. I don’t need to extraoplate (that’s what you are doing above, you don’t have the facts) any situation into blaming a particular group of people.

Anyway off to get my booster this morning. :+1:

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A one L Calum. Good guy :slightly_smiling_face:



A lot of you are letting the media get to you, despite knowing how shit they are.

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@Forever your agenda is so transparent, you are not convincing any of us with your baseless assumptions & breadcrumbs.

if it makes you sleep better in the night about your decision of being unvaccinated, do go on.

Have you seen some of the front pages today ffs

Stick to the weather and the royals lads