

This season should be cancelled and all records of it stricken from memory.


Seems increasingly likely this is going to cause disruption to everyday life for a while. Wouldnā€™t be surprised to see games behind closed doors. I wonder if the Euros could be in jeapordy with it being across a number of countries this summer.

I am worried less about the virus than the reaction to it, I have to say. If/when it becomes widespread I can see people stockpiling food and fuel and overloading public services and that could have a lot of dangerous secondary effects.


Tokyo olympics will almost certainly be cancelled too

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Oh ffs

I seriously donā€™t get how much air time this virus is getting, very low % of people contracting the virus are actually dying.


Italy have 3,800 official cases,148 deaths, 400 recovered, 380 people critical atm. I feel thatā€™s quite high to me but I dunno

Itā€™s quite lethal to the vulnerable from what Iā€™ve been reading.

Yes people are overreacting but thatā€™s human nature. When Disease noone knows what the fuck to do about it starts coming close to home you panic and care about loved ones.


Thatā€™s just fā€™ckin idiotic


How many people under say 60 have died in those cases out of curiosity?

I dunno, does it matter I have old relatives. I have a 1 year old, Iā€™m glad all this precaution is happening because we dont know how bad it can get if it was just left to itā€™s own devices and people carried on how they were.


I saw some stats yesterday that said something like 80+ is a 15% mortality rate, 70+ is like 8%, 60+ 3% and all under 50 age groups were like 0.2% mortality rate.


Everyone has old relatives etc so I hear what youā€™re saying in that regard, Iā€™m just saying this virus is getting a lot of airtime for something that only seems to be detrimental to the very vulnerable.

Maybe Iā€™m just frustrated though because Iā€™m living amongst a nation of idiots and Iā€™m unable to by 4 toilet rolls are the supermarket.


Yeah thatā€™s stupid I agree with that, I also hate people trying to profit off this in regards to bulk buying sanitisers and selling them on ebay.

In regards to supermarkets Iā€™m sure in these sort of times they understock their shelves massively to counter panic buying. Might be a mixture of both

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3% is pretty high considering how infectious it is compared to say, SARS and swine flu.

Itā€™s rare for the young to die from it but there have been cases of it, like that doctor in Wuhan.

But yes of course the news loves to sensationalise this shit because thatā€™s what they do and thereā€™s a profit to be made.


Yeah even 0.2% isnā€™t odds I particularly fancy, though Iā€™m assuming a chunk of those were somewhat unhealthy.

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Think of the bright side, if weā€™re in that 0.2 % we donā€™t have to go through the pain of watching Arsenal anymore :grimacing:.

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Iā€™d like to compare the numbers who have died from coronavirus against those who have died from influenza over the same time span.


Yeah that would be very interesting.

in Feb last year there was an article urging people to get the Flu Vaccine as that winter 195 people had died in the Uk.

Considering like its nearing 150 people in Italy after about 2 weeks and there is no vaccine. its more deadly.