
And being vaccinated should protect you from going to the ICU, and like data has show being vaccinated doesn’t stop you from spreading it anyway. So then maybe everyone should just stay at home forever.

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You didn’t get what TSC said.

If there are 100 patients in hospital, 50 vaxed and 50 unvaxed.

If the population is 1million with 80% vaccinated, only 50 out of 800k vaccinated individuals are in hospital, while 50 out of 200k unvaccinated are in hospital.

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That’s exactly my point, but it’s always people who haven’t been vaccinated getting the abuse. Which is what is winding me up.

@Electrifying my bad I read the data wrong, but that was a small point in what I was saying anyway. We trying to stop the spread and the vaccine ain’t it. And what’s the solution people getting boosters for the rest of their lives for something which kills a small fraction of the population?

@Trion that’s fine I read the data wrong but that still doesn’t address the issue of the virus spreading. Basically just says if your vaccinated your less likely to get seriously ill and die but you spread it the same as someone who’s not vaccinated. But like Forever was saying people who are not have to continuously test, and prove they have a negative test before they can do anything which makes it unlikely that they are the ones spreading it.


Yes but unvaccinated work as an amplifier of infections.
The populace can handle lesser viral load but unvax carry and generate higher viral load

At the turn of the month, my vaxxed family (we live in the same house) spent like 9 days or so completely fucked up with COVID. They used the home testing kit and it was positive - so they went and got the tests done at the clinic and they also came back positive. They were completely out of it - coughing and headaches and all that. They’ve fully recovered now, thank God.

While my unvaxxed ass never got it - well, no symptoms anyway. coldshowersmasterrace?


:rofl: you know it bro :muscle:t4:


Nah nah
Not having it.
You have cold shower in your European temperatures?

That’s lunancy

I switched to luke warm about a week ago after I went a little light-headed in the shower. :joy: I felt like I was gonna pass out. My knees felt like they locked.

But during the warmer seasons, yes. Absolutely cold all the way.

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I’m hopeful covid-19; as a worldwide pandemic won’t last too much longer.

Most people were saying 2022 from last year anyways.

It will still be here but much less significant I think from about end of 2022/2023 onwards.

This is just what I hope though.


Well only if the unvaccinated carry on being super heroes

We will.


Yeah because all vaccinated people are so selfish.

So we need you

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  1. ABBA is top tier
  2. Love Actually is a great Xmas Movie
  3. Die Hard is not a Xmas film
  4. Unvaxxed are superheroes
  5. Vaxxed are selfish

Our takes are like this… :crossed_fingers:

(for serious though, what’s the selfish vaxxed thing?)

Remember we are now in perfect conditions for the virus to spread, and basically all the superspreader events are still happening so this is the worst it will get in Europe you would hope

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Friends being the best comedy ever made needs to be 4 or 5 I think. And Dolly Parton being life.

This is where you go wrong… :pensive:

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You’re right. It should be no.1

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This is what I am highlighting all the time. The policies in place are dumb as fuck and dubious to say the least.

Why would vaccinated people not need to test? What would the reason for that be? The only reason I can think of is to incentivise people to vaccinate because it will make their lives easier by not having to test.

But it’s dumb as hell since now we have more cases than before there was a vaccine. Because vaccinated people can spread it apparently easily enough and infect others easily enough.

And indeed statistically unvaccinated are over-represented on the ICUs. But, that could have been avoided if the government (talking about The Netherlands), would have imposed logical fucking rules that apply to everyone.

They didn’t because they want to push the vaccine and now we are at where we are at.

I have no problem with Tara the city girl and James the hipster vaccinate themselves. For all I care they vaccinate every week with 5 boosters.

However, I have a problem with the current idiotic policies and the creeping coercion to vaccinate at all cost as we are now seeing is being pushed through in Austria.

Austria reminding us nicely where the most famous dictator in history actually hails from.


Or perhaps if everyone was vaccinated then if you pass it on, you could be fairly confident that that person wouldn’t be seriously ill with it.

Bear in mind, despite you thinking vaccinated people are selfish brats, a lot of them will still test themselves. And even before COVID, most people wouldn’t go to a night club if they felt as sick as a dog (your words for vaccinated people). I won’t even go to a nightclub when I am healthy.

What about if some people don’t want to be vaccinated for whatever reason they have? Religious, medical, ideological, just because they don’t want to? That doesn’t matter to you?

This disease has been proven to affect mostly those with underlying conditions. How about they vaccinate and healthy people don’t? As is the case with the flu?

And good on you, that you are considerate. Wish more people were.