Cancel Culture and related issues

Some apparent context:

Is Brett Stevens a white supermacist?

Most probably doesn’t take much to be a white supremacist nazi these days

It’s really annoying when people use words like Nazi or Marxist to describe anyone who is slightly to the left or right of their viewpoint.
When you hear Trump use the word Marxist, he clearly does it to get his supporters onside who probably haven’t got a clue what it means.
But it is also just as irritating when you get university campuses banning people from making speeches or giving lectures simply because they don’t agree with their over the top left wing views.

I’m surprised I haven’t been banned from this forum for my far right black white supremist homophobic transphobic anti Marxist anti communist anti socialist fascist views :joy:

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We feel sorry for you.

Why do I sense you’d love to be able to claim to have been censored? :smile:

You would be wrong being a victim is not a game I like to play :smirk:
Plus I’m not on social media at all

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I meant if we had banned you for saying all those things you mentioned haha

Praise be to white Jesus I was thought I was going to get banned for hating those minority folks :joy:

I hate being picky, but I do see you :bergkamp:


“memetic context” might just be a new favourite phrase.


Don’t know what to make of it. Does seem like a professional misconduct.

Context versus interpretation :man_shrugging:t5:

Reading in the Telegraph that they are ‘reviewing’ their Charles Darwin collection for racism.

Please. Just. Fuck. Off. lol.


If Malcolm X were around today, he wouldn’t last a week before some noname dickhead would cancel him for some retweets.

He hated these kind of performative liberals.


The Telegraph aren’t liberal though. You’d think they’d attack stupidity like this, rather than go along with it.

There must be a culture of fear at the moment, I’m not talking about the Telegraph particularly, but in academia, media and politics in general. Why don’t museums etc. just say fuck off. This is one reason why I wanted BLM to put forward some straight up aims, so that, in a culture of fear, it isn’t just institutions guessing what they should do and ending up doing stuff that no one asked for, making BLM look like tossers as an outcome. Stuff like this wins over nobody.


Disagree it means people are questioning things. It’s up to the individual or museum or academy etc too just make an honest assessment.
Don’t panic make your decision on what others think. Stand your ground on facts.
Nothing too be getting worked up about if you believe in your case.