Cancel Culture and related issues


The sad thing is he’s ignoring the fact that his shoes are hideous but comfortable which means old Jewish men will happily pay to wear them. Throwing away a real slice of the market.

I just watched a clip of his interview with Piers Morgan, and the way he would just switch emotions was alarming. Dude has some very worrying mental health problems by the looks of it. Possibly bipolar or like a multiple personality disorder

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Think he’s been pretty open about his struggles with BPD.

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Pretty much yea, just an introductory paragraph. I got past the paywall but no idea if I missed some of the article in doing so.

Edit: the mail says this, a quote from someone in the uni

As it clearly states on the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics website, ‘students are free to choose for themselves how to engage with inclusive language when speaking and writing in German.’ To suggest otherwise is entirely wrong

Problem is that antisemitism doesn’t garner much sympathy from so many people because of peoples perception of Jewish people.

A lot of people have a dislike for Israeli domestic policy and treatment of Palestinians and that then becomes a disproportionate dislike for any and all things Jewish.

You’ll get absolutely tonnes of people coming out to support Kanye now and claim the Jewish people control the media and the narrative lol.

It’s going to be one of those real bang your head against a wall moments reading peoples BS.

Which itself is antisemitic. I’ve seen it a million times, mostly from Evangelical people who think that well of course Jewish people regardless of their nationality care about Israel at all.

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Hmm. To be honest, not enough info to form an opinion. Thanks for sharing though.

The problem with the whole culture war stuff is that so much of it, from both sides, is carried out by grifters.

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I think it’s enough info to determine that the truth is being stretched by whoever it was you saw tweeting tbh.

It would be particularly dumb if a uni started teaching language that didn’t actually make sense. Not that can’t happen or won’t happen. I think it hasn’t happened here though.

This is why I say grifters on both sides and why it’s often hard to know the truth, cos I don’t doubt for a second that there are people out there who’d defo push to make language meaningless jibberish to be inclusive, and then there are those who will spin a minor optional courtesy into the former for clicks.

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As it’s stands I highly doubt that such people run courses in Cambridge University. What do you reckon?

I dunno bud.

Academia is where so much of this shite is rife.

haha, to the extent that i expressed it, no. A more mild version of what i said, I’d say ask me in a couple of years!

Yea, perhaps, I’m not really tuned into much academia. But, this is Cambridge University. Do you think they are teaching an essentially fake language?

Now that’s funny.

To answer on his behalf, no, not fake, but they might teach it wrong. Or wrong in places. I mean, even just going from the info you shared, if they are encouraging students to write and speak in a gender neutral way with a gendered language, even if optional, then that only works if the Germans themselves are doing this. If they aren’t then you are teaching it wrong. That said, the Germans probably are doing it, but even then, one might expect a university to be a bit behind the times on purpose, to make sure that it’s not participating in a fad.

They’re not encouraging it. Unless you have something contrary to what I posted.

I don’t.

Why would one expect that? Almost all research that advances every part of our society comes from universities. Acadamia is on the cutting edge of everything… technology, medicine, psychology, math, physics, etcetera etcetera etcetera. The image of stuffy, stodgy old professors in tweed with felt patches on their elbows is, at best, outdated… I’m of the opinion that it’s a figment of Hollywood’s imagination to being with.

Fair enough, but how can you be on the cutting edge of language?

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